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Terry’s Taco Dip
2 8 oz. pkg. Cream cheese (in Germany: 450 g Kräuterfrischkäse)
1 12 oz. container French onion dip (in Germany: 340 g Mager-Kräuterquark)
Taco mix
1 lb.  (500 g) Ground beef
2 c. each: shredded sharp cheddar cheese (180 g), lettuce and tomato

Mix cream cheese and dip and spread on a platter.  Mix taco mix with browned ground beef and spread on top of previous.  Top with the cheese, shredded lettuce, and diced tomato.  Place  tortilla chips around dip and serve with a bowl of tortilla chips.

Gorgonzola dip
About ¾ cup
4 oz. Gorgonzola or other blue cheese
3 oz. cream cheese
1/3 c. cognac or cream

Mash the Gorgonzola, add the cream cheese and mix until smooth. Add the cognac to give a soft consistency. Use for sliced apples, pears or crackers.

Stuffed mushrooms
6-8 servings
24 medium to large mushrooms, or 40 tiny ones
¼ c. olive oil
2 oz. can flat anchovy filets
1 minced garlic clove
1 t. lemon juice
¾ c. soft fresh bread crumbs
¼ c. chopped parsley
Freshly ground pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350°F. Remove stems from mushrooms, chop the stems and sauté them in 3 T. of the oil for 2-3 minutes. Chop the anchovies with the garlic. Add the lemon juice, bread crumbs and parsley, then the mushrooms stems. Mix and season with pepper. Fill the caps with the mixture, drizzle oil over them and bake for 15 minutes until hot.

Cream cheese-stuffed tomatoes
About 2 dozen
2 pints cherry tomatoes
9 oz. cream cheese at room temperature
2 oz. Roquefort or Danish blue cheese at room temperature
1 T. lemon juice
Tabasco sauce to taste

Cut off a thin slice from the stem end of the tomatoes. Scoop out the seeds and pulp. Combine the remaining ingredients and beat with a fork until the cheeses are well-blended. Spoon the mixture into the tomatoes and top with a sprig of parsley.

Chutney mit schwarzen Johannisbeeren
250 g schwarze Johannisbeeren
1 Chilischote
2 große rote Zwiebeln
1 Birne
1 EL Öl
50 ml Weißweinessig
Saft von 2 Orangen
100 g brauner Zucker

Die Johannisbeeren waschen und mithilfe einer Gabel von den Rispen lösen. Die Chilischote waschen und putzen, anschließend entkernen und fein schneiden. Die Zwiebeln schälen und fein würfeln. Die Birne schälen, entkernen und grob würfeln. Das Öl in einem Topf erhitzen. Die Zwiebel- und Chiliwürfel darin anschwitzen. Mit dem Essig und Orangensaft ablöschen. Den Zucker, die Birnenwürfel und die Johannisbeeren untermischen. Leicht salzen. Bei mittlerer Hitze so lange kochen, bis fast alle Flüssigkeit verdampft ist. Das Chutney in saubere Twist-off-Gläser füllen und fest verschließen.
Schmeckt gut zu Ziegenkäse oder anderer Käsesorten, zu Wild und Geflügel.

500 g Hähnchenbrustfilet, in kleinen Würfeln geschnitten
300 g Zwiebelwürfel
3 Stück Blätterteig
½ Packung Streukäse

Hähnchen, Zwiebelwürfel, Salz und Pfeffer mit reichlich Öl mischen. Jedes Blätterteig in 6 Stücke schneiden, Füllung in der Mitte verteilen, zusammenkneifen. Mit wenigen Kreuzkümmelsamen garnieren, im Ofen bei 240° C für ca. 30 Minuten backen (bis gold-braun).


Salsa Mexicana
28-oz. can tomatoes
1 small onion
2-4 T. cilantro
Jalapeno pepper slices
2 T. lime or lemon
2 T. olive oil
salt to taste

Throw everything in the mixer and blend briefly (do not puree!). The salsa tastes best if you let it set an hour before serving

Marinating Sauce for Chicken Wings
¾ cup butter (175 g)
1 cup brown sugar (220 g)
1 cup soy sauce (300 g)
1 tsp dry mustard
¾ cup water
1 tsp hot crushed pepper
2 kg chicken wings

Combine all ingredients in small saucepan and pour over chicken wings. Marinate in refrigerator for at least 2 hours (best when overnight). Bake at 350°F for 2-3 hours.

Honey Mustard Marinade
1 cup Dijon Mustard
1 cup dry white wine
¾ cup olive oil
¼ cup honey
1 clove garlic, minced
2 T soy sauce

Herbed butter
125 g Butter
3 T. finely chopped herbs (parsley, estragon, chervil, cress, chives)
Lemon juice
Worcestershire sauce

Beat the butter until soft. Chop the herbs very finely (you can use any combination that you´d like) and stir into the butter. Add salt and pepper, and taste with a few drops of lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, and a bit of mustard.
Use on bread, or especially delicious, spread on thick grilled steaks when still warm.

Classic pesto
Makes approx. 1 cup
50 g basil (also frozen)
2 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
50 g pine nuts (optional)
80 ml olive oil
50 g grated parmesan
salt and freshly ground pepper

Using a blender or food processor, blend the basil, garlic, and pine nuts to make a coarse paste. With the motor running, gradually add the olive oil in a thin steady stream and blend until quite smooth. Add the grated cheese and process briefly. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Store the pesto in a screw-top jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Cover with a little extra olive oil if necessary. Also freezes well.

Fondue sauces
Sesame Sauce
3 tbs White Sesame Seeds
1/3 cup Soy Sauce
2 tbs Green Onion (chopped)
1 tbs Cider Vinegar
2 tsp Ginger (finely chopped)
1 tsp Water

Brown Sesame Seeds in frying pan or skillet. Chop Browned Seeds and a few drops of soy in food processor on high. Add rest of the ingredients and mix.

Spicy Oriental Sauce
2 tbs Soy Sauce
1.5 tbs Lemon Juice
2 Green Chili Peppers (chopped)
1 clove Garlic
2 tsp Sesame Oil

Tomato raita with cumin
250 ml plain yogurt
1 tomato, finely chopped
1 scallion, finely chopped
2 tsp dry-roasted cumin seeds (or powder)
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Tip the yogurt into a bowl and stir in the rest of the ingredients. Season well with salt and pepper and chill well before serving.
Giblet gravy
Makes 5 cups
reserved giblets and neck
1 celery stalk, cut up
½ c chopped onion
turkey pan drippings
1/3 c butter
6 T flour

While turkey is roasting, in 3-quart saucepan over high heat, heat to boiling giblets, neck, celery, onion, ½ tsp salt and water to cover.
Reduce heat to low; cover; simmer 1 hour or until giblets are tender. Drain, reserving broth; discard celery and onion. Chop neat meat and giblets.
When turkey is done, remove rack from pan; add reserved broth to roasting pan; stir until brown bits are loosened. Add liquid to meat juice in large cup to make 4 cups (add water if necessary).
Into 1/3 cup melted butter in saucepan over medium heat, stir flour and 1 ½ tsp salt.
Gradually stir in meat-juice mixture; cook, stirring until thickened.
Add reserved chopped giblets and neck meat; cook until heated through.

Soups and Salads

Grandma Danko’s homemade soup
soup bone
2 carrots
½ bag tomatoes
bay leaf
1 leaf of cabbage (or core)
chicken boullion cubes (if weak)

Rinse chicken. Heat chicken and water and soup bone to a boil. Skim off foam. Add rest of ingredients and a few boullion cubes if too weak. Boil down for a few hours.

5-6 eggs, beaten
100-200 ml (sparkling) water
500 g flour
1 tsp. salt

Beat well, may add more flour or water to bring to cake mix consistency. Drop by teaspoonfuls into boiling salted water. Done when they float to the top.

Grandma Campbell’s Chicken Halushka
1 kg chicken (legs, or whole chicken cut up)
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Salt and pepper
2 T. flour / Mondamin
500 ml milk
2 Chicken boullion cubes
500 g sour cream

Season the chicken with powders and salt and pepper, then brown in a little oil until very brown. Add enough water to cover, then cook on low until chicken can easily be removed from the bone. Take off chicken and cut/rip into little pieces. Strain liquid and save. Add approx. 500 ml of milk, and 1-2 chicken boullion cubes. Thicken a bit with flour (mixed with cold water first) or add Mondamin when boiling. Add sour cream last. Serve over dumplings.

Gribby Soup
1 lb. Fresh mushrooms
1 T. butter
1 tsp. Flour
Sauerkraut juice, to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. finely chopped onion

Wash mushrooms and cook in 1 qt. of water until tender. Strain. (Save water.) Run mushrooms through food chopper. Add sauerkraut juice to mushroom water. Salt and pepper and bring to a boil.
Brown flour in butter until light brown, add onion and brown. Add ¼ c. water and bring to a boil and stir. Strain. Add to contents along with mushrooms and simmer for a couple of minutes.
Serve with small egg noodles, preferably from scraps of dough cut into squares from the leftover pirohy dough.

Crème de potiron au romarin
60 g Butter (30 g gesalzene Butter und 30 g ung. Butter)
2 gr. Échalotes (feingehackt)
900 g Kürbisfleisch (gewürfelt)
1 frischer Rosmarinzweig
1 Stück Zimtstange (ca. 5 cm lang)
1 L. Hühnerbrühe
150 ml Crème fraîche
Salz, frisch gem. Pfeffer

1 kl. Tomate
2 gepresste Knoblauchzehen
100 g weiche Butter
2 Spritzer Zitronensaft
Salz, Pfeffer
Ein in dünne Scheiben geschnittenes Baguette

Butter in einem Topf zerlassen, die feinhackten échalotes unterrühren und bei mittlerer Hitze 5-8 Minuten glasig dünsten
Kürbiswürfel dazugeben und rühren, bis sie gänzlich von einem Fettfilm überzogen sind
Rosmarinzweig und Zimtstange dazugeben, und das Ganze zugedeckt 15 Min. bei mittlerer Hitze garen
Hühnerbrühe angießen und zugedeckt 20-30 Min. köchen, bis das Kürbisfleisch weich ist
In der Zwischenzeit werden die Croûtes wie folgt vorbereitet:
Tomate waschen, enthäuten, entkernen, sorgfältig trockentupfen und pürieren
Butter in einer Schüssel mit der Gabel zerdrücken
Tomatenbrei, gepresste Knoblauchzehen zu der Butter geben; vermischen
Mit Zitronensaft abschmecken, leicht salzen und pfeffern
Die Brotscheiben mit dieser Butter bestreichen
Rosmarinzweig und Zimtstange aus der Kürbismischung entfernen und den Topfinhalt fein pürieren
Die Suppe wieder in den Topf geben; Sahne hinzufügen
25 Min. vor dem Servieren:
Den Ofen auf 150° C vorheizen
Die Suppe bei sehr schwacher Hitze erwärmen und mit Salz (wenig) und Pfeffer abschmecken
Die Brotscheiben in den Ofen schieben und ca. 10 Min. hacken
Die Suppe kurz vor dem Servieren mit einem Sahnehäubchen garnieren

1 ½ kg Schinkenbraten
Frisch gemahlener Pfeffer
Gekörnte Fleischbrühe
6 mittelgroße Zwiebeln
2 Gläser Champignons in Scheiben (je 530 g Abtropfgewicht)
2 Gläser Tomatenpaprika (je 165 g Abtropfgewicht)
500 g TK-Erbsen
1 große Dose Ananasstücke (490 g Abtropfgewicht)
2 Gläser Chilisauce (Fonduesauce, je etwa 320 g)
1 l Schlagsahne
225 g scharfer Curryketchup
etwa 750 ml Wasser

1. Schinkenbraten kalt abspülen, trockentupfen und in Würfel schneiden: Das Fleisch in einen ofenfesten, großen Topf geben. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Fleischbrühe würzen.
2. Zwiebeln abziehen, in Würfel schneiden und zum Fleisch geben. Champignons mit der Flüssigkeit, den abgetropften Tomatenpaprikastreifen und tiefgefrorene Erbsen hinzufügen.
3. Ananasstücke abtropfen lassen, die Stücke evtl. kleiner schneiden, zusammen mit der Chilisauce, Sahne und Curryketchup auffüllen. Zum Schluss Wasser hinzufügen, so dass die Suppe bedeckt ist, etwas umrühren. Den Topf zugedeckt auf dem Rost in den  ofen schieben.
4. Backzeit etwa 1 ½ Std. Vorgeheizt Ober-/Unterhitze: ca. 200°C, Nicht vorgeheizt Heißluft: ca. 180°C
5. Zwischendurch die Ofensuppe umrühren, evtl. etwas Wasser hinzufügen.
Für 12 Personen

450 g ground beef
2 c chopped onions
4 cans (15.5 oz) kidney beans
3 cans (14.5 oz) chopped tomatoes
Chopped up jalapeno peppers from the glass as desired
4 T chili powder
1 t garlic powder
1 t dried oregano, crushed
¼ t ground red pepper
1/8 t black pepper

In a large pot cook the ground beef and onion until meat is brown and onion is tender. Drain well. Stir in the undrained beans, undrained tomatoes and chili peppers. Add the rest of the ingredients. Bring to boiling. Reduce heat. Simmer, covered, about 1 ¼ hours or until desired consistency, stirring occasionally. Makes 10 servings.

6 Portionen
135 g Zwiebeln, fein gehackt
2 Knoblauchzehen, gepresst
600 g Kartoffeln, geschält und gewürfelt
25 g Butter
1200 g Gemüse- bzw. Hühnerbrühe
150 g 1,5% Milch
Dose (285 g) Mais, ohne Flüssigkeit
135 g Schlagsahne

Butter im Topf schmelzen. Zwiebeln und Knoblauch 10-12 Minuten weich dünsten, aber nicht bräunen. Kartoffelwürfel, Brühe und Milch zufügen. Alles aufkochen, dann auf niedriger Stufe mit halb aufgelegtem Deckel 15 Minuten köcheln lassen. Den Mais zugeben und (halb zugedeckt) noch 5-10 Minuten köcheln lassen. Suppe zum Teil pürieren, dann Schlagsahne einrühren.

Red lentil soup with cumin
Serves 4
2 T olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp cumin seeds (or powder)
125 g red lentils
600 ml vegetable stock
500 g tomato puree
salt and freshly ground pepper
1-2 T chopped cilantro, to garnish

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and gently cook the onion and garlic until soft. Add the cumin seeds (or powder) and toast for a few minutes until just colored.
Add the red lentils to the pan and stir well so they become coated with the onion mixture.
Next, pour in the stock, bring to a boil, and simmer for 15 minutes so that the lentils have a chance to soften, then add the tomato puree, and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes more.
Let cool, then using a blender or food processor, puree the soup until very smooth. Season to taste then heat gently before serving, garnished with chopped cilantro.

Asian Hot Pot (Mongolian Hot Pot)
5 cups Beef Broth
2 Green Onions (chopped)
2 Garlic Cloves (minced)
About 5 Shiitake Mushrooms (chopped)
2 tbs Cilantro (chopped)
2 tbs Ginger Root (minced)
2 tbs Soy Sauce

Vegetable Platter:
8 Bok Choy leaves (cut into strips)
2 oz Spinach leaves (cut into strips)
1 8oz Can Bamboo Shoots (drained)
2 Green Onions (chopped)
1 cup Broccoli Florets
4 oz Egg Noodles (cooked)
1 lb Beef Tenderloin (sliced into thin strips)

Arrange vegetable platter before guests arrive. Bring beef broth to a boil. Add green onions, garlic, mushrooms, cilantro, ginger and soy sauce. Simmer for 15 minutes. Spear beef strips with fondue forks and cook in broth for 3-5 minutes. Spear vegetable strips and cook until tender. Dip cooked beef and vegetables into desired sauces.
When all the meat has been eaten add cooked egg noodles to broth. Add remaining vegetables to broth. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve portion to each guest in a bowl.

Corn and sweet potato soup
1 T olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tsp crushed red pepper
750 ml vegetable stock
2 tsp ground cumin
1 medium sweet potato, diced
½ red bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped
450 g corn kernels (from can is okay)
salt and ground black pepper
lime wedges to serve

Heat the oil and fry the onion for 5 minutes until softened. Add the garlic and chile and fry for a further 2 minutes. In the same can, add 125 ml of the vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the cumin, the diced sweet potato, stir and simmer again for 10 minutes. Season and stir again. Add the pepper, corn and remaining stock and simmer for 10 minutes. Process half of the soup until smooth and then stir into the chunky soup. Season and serve with lime wedges for squeezing over.

Moroccan harira stew
Olive oil
15 g butter
2 onions, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tin of chickpeas (400g), drained and rinsed
1 tin of tomatoes (400g), chopped
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp ground turmeric
½ tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Juice of 1 lemon (or lime)
450 ml vegetable or chicken stock (plus more if needed)
1 tsp salt (or to taste)
500 g potatoes (if desired)
1 large bunch of fresh coriander or parsley, finely chopped (or a mixture of both - reserve some for serving)
2 tsp mint, dried or a couple of sprigs of fresh mint
1 tsp paprika
¼-½ tsp cayenne pepper
Leftover roast lamb (or chicken or beef), ca. 600-800 g

Heat the butter and oil mixture in a large saucepan. Add the onion and gently fry for at least 10 minutes until beginning to soften and take on some colour. Add the garlic and give it a good stir.
Add the drained chickpeas and chopped tomatoes. Stir.
Add the pepper, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and the lemon juice (but not the salt).
Add the stock and a ½ teaspoon of salt. Add potatoes if desired. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 20 to 30 minutes, until the liquid has reduced but not dried out completely. Top up with more liquid if necessary.
About 10 minutes before the end, add the chopped coriander and parsley, 1 teaspoon of dried mint, paprika and cayenne.
About 5 minutes before the end, add the leftover meat.
Check the seasoning, adding more salt and pepper if necessary.
Sprinkle over with chopped herbs.
Serves 8.

Cranberry plus salad
Serves 6-8
1 bag (12 oz.) of fresh cranberries
2 oranges
2 apples
1 lemon
1 – 1 ½ c. sugar

In a food processor, blend the cranberries until finely chopped, but not mushy. Place in a bowl. Cut the skin off of the oranges and lemon and blend these in the food processor as well. Add to cranberries. Skin apples and if desired (apple allergy) cook slightly. Chop finely and also add to cranberries. Then add sugar until sweet. Best if made a day or two in advance. Can also be frozen.

Tomato pasta salad
Makes 12 servings
750 g pasta spirals
1 glass (180 g) dried tomatoes in oil, including oil, diced
750 g fresh tomatoes, diced
3 balls of fresh light mozzarella, diced
2 packages of dried herbs (pre-packaged, ie italian seasoning)
50 g frozen basil (2 packages)

Cook the pasta, drain and rinse with cold water. Combine the tomatoes, oil, mozzarella, herbs and basil. Mix. Add the pasta, mix, and store in the refrigerator.

Potato salad
2 kg potatoes, peeled, cooked and sliced
2 t. sugar
2 t. vinegar
1-2 stalks celery, chopped
½ onion, chopped
80 g sweet gherkins, chopped
½ t. salt
4 eggs, boiled and chopped
400 g Miracle Whip / mayonnaise

Mix everything and cool. Can serve with hot dogs and mustard.

Side Dishes

Baked Bananas
2 ripe bananas
2 T. Butter

Melt butter in baking pan. Place peeled bananas in pan, spoon butter over them, sprinkle a pinch of salt over each banana, and bake at 350 F (175 C) for 10-15 minutes.

8 eggs
2 2/3 c. (650 g) milk
ca. 15 g salt
2/3 c. (150 g) sugar
2/3 c. (170 g) water

Cook all ingredients except vanilla in a heavy pot until liquid is clear. Add vanilla. Strain through cheese cloth. Save liquid for paska bread. Tie cheesecloth so that eggball is shaped in a ball, twist tightly using wooden spoons as paddles (it will be hot!) and let it drip until molded, about an hour.

1 c. (135 g) flour
1 egg
¼ tsp. Salt
About 2 T. cold water

Brown melted butter and pour over pirohy when served.
Mix all ingredients in a food processor (large container) until the dough just forms a ball. Divide into three balls, placing other two under a damp cloth when not being used. Roll out thin and place over ravioli maker. Place 1 tsp. of filling of choice (lekvar, potato, cheese or cabbage) in the center of each dip, brush water around the sides and center, and lie another rolled piece of dough on top. Roll rolling pin over ravioli maker to separate pirohy, then place on baking sheet lightly dusted with cornmeal. Can stack several layers on top, separated by a piece of wax paper. Cool in the freezer until no longer sticky, place in bags, and store in freezer until ready to use.
When ready, drop pirohy into salted boiling water and cook until all the pirohy rise to the top. Then cook for five minutes longer. When done, pour a small amount of cold water and strain. Place in serving dish and pour over hot butter that has been melted and slightly browned. Eat while hot, and if desired, add more salt.

Cheese Filling
½ c. dry cottage cheese
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. Butter
Pinch of salt
Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Potato Filling
One large cooked potato, mashed. Add one T. melted, browned butter and salt to taste, as well as either finely chopped onion or onion powder, and cheddar, longhorn or colby cheese to taste.

Cabbage Filling
One pound head of cabbage chopped fine, to which add 1 tsp. salt and set aside to stand for several minutes. Then squeeze out water from cabbage and fry in 1 T. butter that has been allowed to brown. Add 1 tsp. sugar, and stir occasionally to keep from burning. Fry until golden brown.

Beet Horseradish
1 pound boiled beets
2 oz. fresh horseradish
2 T. vinegar
1 tsp. Sugar
1 tsp. Salt
Pinch of pepper
½ c. water

Grate beets and horseradish. Combine vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper, and water.  Bring to a boil. Pour over grated beets and horseradish.  Mix thoroughly.  Store in jar in refrigerator and serve with meats.

Moist Bread Stuffing
1 c. (230 g) butter or margarine
2 c. diced celery (1 c = 130 g)
1 ½ c. chopped onions (1 c = 150 g)
¼ c. minced parsley
2 tsp. Salt
2 tsp. Poultry seasoning
½ tsp. Pepper
18 cups (900 g) white bread cubes
3 eggs, slightly beaten

In 8-quart Dutch oven over medium heat, in hot butter or margarine, cook celery and onions until tender, about 10 minutes.
Add parsley, salt, poultry seasoning and pepper; stir well until thoroughly mixed.
Stir in bread cubes and eggs; mix together well.
Stuff turkey; pack extra stuffing into a bread baking pan, drizzle chicken broth enough to make stuffing moist, cover with aluminum foil, and bake with turkey during last 30-45 minutes.

Blumenkohl überbacken
1 Blumenkohlkopf
100 g Schmelzkäse (Schmierkäse)
etwas Dosenmilch
Paniermehl, Salz, Muskatnuss

Blumenkohl groß auseinander teilen, in Salzwasser nicht ganz gar kochen, herausnehmen und in einer Auflaufform geben.
Schmelzkäse und etwas Dosenmilch in einen kleinen Topf geben und unter Rühren erhitzen bis der Käse geschmolzen ist. Die Soße mit Salz und Muskatnuss abschmecken und über den Blumenkohl verteilen und mit Paniermehl bestreuen. Im Backofen bei 200°C goldgelb backen.

Candied Sweet Potatoes
12 servings
2 kg sweet potatoes, quartered
125 g butter
1 c. brown sugar (220 g)
3 c. miniature marshmallows, divided
ground cinnamon to taste
ground nutmeg to taste

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add potatoes and boil until slightly underdone, about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and peel. In a large saucepan over medium heat, combine margarine, brown sugar, 2 cups marshmallows, cinnamon and nutmeg. Cook, stirring occasionally, until marshmallows are melted. Stir potatoes into marshmallow sauce. While stirring mash about half of the potatoes, and break the others into bite-sized chunks. Transfer to prepared dish. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cover top evenly with remaining marshmallows. Return to oven and bake until marshmallows are golden brown.

Risotto alla Milanese
75 g frisch geriebener Parmesan
350 g Milchreis
Etwa 1 l Brühe (Gemüse oder Fleisch) sowie 1 Teel. Brühegewürz
75 g Butter
1 Döschen Safranfäden
1 kleine Zwiebel
Salz, Pfeffer aus der Mühle

Den Inhalt von 1 Döschen Safran mit 2 EL kochenheißem Wasser übergießen. 1 Zwiebel fein würfeln. 1 l Brühe erhitzen. In einer großen Kasserolle 30 g Butter mit dem Brühegewürz erhitzen, Zwiebelwürfel zugeben und bei nicht zu starker Hitze unter Rühren glasig braten. 350 g Reis einstreuen und unter Rühren braten, bis er hell und durchscheinend ist, er darf aber nicht bräunen. Etwa 1 Tasse voll heiße Brühe aufgießen, dabei ständig weiterrühren. Sobald die Flüssigkeit fast verdampft ist, wieder Brühe aufgießen, leise köchelnd weitergaren lassen, dabei rühren. Es soll stets nur so viel Brühe im Topf sein, dass er Reis eben bedeckt ist. Nach etwa 15 Minuten den aufgelösten Safran dazugeben. Noch 7 Minuten weitergaren (dabei Rühren und Brühe zugießen). Nun probieren: Wenn die Reiskörner gar sind, aber noch Biß haben, die restlichen 45 g Butter und Parmesan unterrühren. Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Der Risotto sollte jetzt so feucht und cremig sein, dass er im Topf beim Schräghalten fließt. Von der Kochplatte nehmen, einen Deckel auflegen und noch 1-2 Minuten quellen lassen. Sofort servieren, nach Blieben noch Parmesan dazureichen.

800 g Kartoffeln (vorwiegend festkochend)
500 g frische, große Champignons
1 Zitrone (Saft)
1 Bund glatte Petersilie
50 g frisch geriebener Parmesan oder Pecorino
50 g Semmelbrösel
6-8 EL Olivenöl
Salz, Pfeffer aus der Mühle

Kartoffeln waschen, schälen und in ½ cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Pilze putzen, Stielenden abschneiden. Pilze in dicke Scheiben schneiden und sofort mit dem Saft von 1 Zitrone beträufeln. Petersilienblättchen in feine Streifen schneiden, mit 50 g Semmelbröseln und 50 g geriebenem Käse mischen. Backofen auf 175° vorheizen. Eine feuerfeste Form mit 2 EL Öl ausstreichen. Abweschselnd in mehreren Lagen Kartoffel- und Pilzscheiben einschichten. Jede Lage salzen und aus der Mühle pfeffern, mit Kräuter-Käse-Bröseln bestreuen und reichlich mit Olivenöl beträufeln. Im vorgeheizten Backofen etwa 1 Stunde backen, bis die Kartoffeln weich sind. Sofort servieren.

10 Eier
Butter oder Alba-Öl
Belege nach Wunsch: Parmesankäse, Spinat, geräuchertes Lachs

Eier gut mischen, mit Salz und Pfeffer und ggf. Parmesankäse würzen. In heißer, ofenfester Pfanne Butter oder Öl geben, dann Eiermischung dazugeben. Falls Spinat und / oder Lachs gewünscht, jetzt auch oben belegen. Auf niedriger Hitze (ca. 3 /10) ca. 10-15 Minuten köcheln lassen, nicht rühren. Dann im Ofen bei ca. 150-175° C erneut ca. 10-15 Minuten backen.

Main Dishes

Stuffed Green Peppers
½ c. rice (not brown rice!)
1 lb. Ground beef
garlic powder
1 Egg
4 green peppers
1-2 cans tomato soup

Cut off tops of green peppers and save, take out seeds. Parboil for 5 minutes in boiling water.  Mix uncooked rice, raw meat, a few dollops of ketchup, some salt and pepper and garlic powder, and the raw egg. Stuff into peppers and put tops on. Place in pot and add enough water to the tomato soup to completely cover the tops of the peppers. Bring to a boil, then turn to a low simmer and cook for 45 minutes.

Thea’s Pfannkuchen
Ingredients for 6 pancakes:
3 eggs
150 g flour
160 g milk
1 pinch salt
a bit of sparkling water

melt butter in skillet
add one ladle of batter and add topping of choice

2 cloves garlic
Olive oil
0,5 Kg chicken breast
2 red or yellow peppers
Can of diced tomatoes
Soy sauce
Tabasco sauce
Cayenne pepper
200 g sour cream
8 to 9 tortillas

Sautè onion and garlic in oil in a pan, then add diced chicken breast. Cook thoroughly.  Add tomato and peppers and cook for a minute or two, then add a few Tbls of soy sauce, a few of ketchup, tabasco sauce, and cayenne pepper.  Spoon mixture into tortillas, top with salsa and sour cream, wrap and serve.
Serves 4 people.

12 corn tortillas
2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
I cup whipping cream or half & half
Canola oil
4 chicken breasts, precooked and shredded
I large onion, chopped
7 oz. package of cream cheese
½ cup butter or margarine

Sauté onion in butter or margarine. Add cream cheese until softened and add chicken.
Soften tortillas in oil in fry pan. Add filling to each tortilla and roll up. Place on shallow pan. Cover with Jack cheese and pour cream on top. Cover pan with foil. Bake at 375 for 20 to 30 minutes until bubbling.
Serves 4 to 6 people.

Chicken Breasts in Mustard Sauce
30 g butter
600 g skinless boneless chicken breast, cut into small pieces
¼ c. finely chopped onion
80 ml apple juice
250 g whipping (heavy) cream
300 g 3.5% milk
2 T. chopped fresh parsley
100 g Dijon mustard

Heat butter in 10-inch skillet over medium heat. Add chicken. Cook 12-14 minutes until juices run clear. Remove chicken and reserve.
Add onion and juice to skillet. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Stir in whipping cream, milk, parsley and mustard. Cook and stir over medium heat 5 minutes. Add chicken. Heat until hot. Serve over brown rice.
Makes 5 servings, roughly 230 g per serving.

Eggplant and Cheese
1 large eggplant, sliced ½ inch thick
4 T. olive oil
1 c. chopped onion
1 clove garlic
1 lb. Tomatoes, cut up (or 1 16-oz. can)
2 T. parsley
¾ tsp. Salt
1/8 tsp. Pepper
1/8 tsp. Cinnamon
1 ½ c. (approx. 400 g) cottage cheese
1 egg
½ c. grated parmesan cheese

Put 1 tsp. of oil in a large skillet and lightly brown eggplant, adding oil as needed.  Remove and drain on paper towels. Add 1 tsp. of oil and sauté onion and garlic until just tender. Add tomatoes, parsley, salt, pepper and cinnamon. Simmer, uncovered, for five minutes. Spread half of tomato mixture in a pan 12” by 8” by 2”. Mix cottage cheese with egg and spread over tomato mixture. Arrange eggplant on top, sprinkle parmesan cheese, and spread tomatoes on top of that. Bake at 375 F for 35 minutes.
Makes 4 servings.

Mom’s Lasagna
About 18 lasagna noodles (300 g)
2 diced onions
3 garlic cloves
800 g pureed tomatoes
625 g box of diced tomatoes, seasoned
Baking soda
650 g Ground beef
Tub (250 g) of ricotta cheese
400 g shredded mozzarella cheese

Cook noodles. Brown beef with onions and garlic, then drain fat. Add tomatoes until boiling, then add baking soda to take away the acidity. In about a 12-inch square baking pan, spread a little of meat mixture on the bottom, then place noodles to cover on top. Add more meat mixture, then spoonfuls of ricotta cheese, then sprinkle with mozzarella. Repeat 4 more times, making sure to add the most meat mixture to the top so that all of the noodles will have enough liquid to cook in. Cover with foil and place in a 350 F oven for about 35 minutes, then remove foil and bake for another 10 minutes to brown top. Can also freeze before baking. Cut into 12 pieces.

250 g Mehl
350 g Magerquark
80 g Butter
Fett und Mehl für die Form
2 Eier
1 Packung Kräuterfrischkäse (=200 g)
weißer Pfeffer
Ca. 500-1000 g Strauchtomaten, möglichst kleine

Mehl, 150 g Quark, Butter und ½ TL Salz rasch zu einem glatten Teig verkneten. In Folie wickeln und ca. 30 Minuten kaltstellen. Backofen auf 200 Grad (Gas: Stufe 3) vorheizen. Eine Quicheform (28 cm Durchmesser) fetten und mit Mehl ausstauben.  Teig ausrollen, Form damit auslegen und einen ca. zwei Zentimeter hohen Rand formen. Boden mehrmals mit einer Gabel einstechen. Im vorgeheizten Backofen ca. 10 Minuten vorbacken. Eier trennen. Frischkäse, restlichen Quark und Eigelb verrühren, mit Salz, weißem Pfeffer und Muskatnuß würzen. Eiweiß sehr steif schlagen und vorsichtig unterziehen. Masse auf dem Boden verteilen. Tomaten waschen, trockentupfen, eventuell halbieren, vierteln oder achteln, Stielansätze entfernen und mit der Wölbung nach oben in die Käsemasse drücken. Im Backofen noch ca. 30 Minuten backen. Ergibt 12 Stücke.

Zutaten für 4 Portionen
4 Scheiben gefrorenes Lachsfilet, oder ca. 600 g frisches Lachfilet
1 Tüte Skandinavische Krabben-Suppe (Maggi)
130 g Schlagsahne
220 g 1,5% Milch

Lachsfilet auftauen, mit Zitronensaft beträufeln, leicht salzen und pfeffern, in eine Auflaufform geben. Die Krabbensuppe mit der Sahne und Milch verrühren, kurz aufkochen, über den Lachs geben und im vorgeheizten Ofen auf 180 Grad 22 Minuten backen. Dazu schmecken Petersilienkartoffeln und Salat.

600 g Brokkoli (oder Karotten)
1,5 kg Kartoffeln
2 Zwiebeln
30 g Butter
¼ l Fleischbrühe
Butter für die Form
200 g Gouda
4 Eier
1/8 l Milch

Den Brokkoli in möglichst gleich große Röschen zerteilen. (Man kann auch sehr gut Tiefkühlbrokkoli für dieses Rezept nehmen.) Die Kartoffeln in der Schale kochen, pellen, und etwas auskühlen lassen und anschließend in nicht zu dünne Scheiben schneiden. Alternativ: Kartoffeln schälen, nicht kochen, dann in der Küchenmaschine sehr dünn schneiden. Die Zwiebeln schälen und fein hacken. Die Butter in einem weiten Topf zerlaufen lassen, die Zwiebeln zugeben und unter Rühren leicht dünsten.  Die Brühe zugießen und die Brokkoliröschen oder Karotten hineingeben. Frischer Brokkoli soll nur warm werden, Tiefkühlware soll auftauen und warm werden. Beiseite stellen.
Eine Auflaufform ausbuttern und die Kartoffelscheiben einschichten. Salzen und pfeffern. Den Käse frisch reiben und die Hälfte über die Kartoffelscheiben streuen. Die Eier in einer Schüssel verquirlen, die Milch dazurühren, mit Salz, Pfeffer und Muskat kräftig würzen. In die Form Gießen.
Nun den Brokkoli oder die Karotten einschichten und mit der Brühe beträufeln. Mit dem restlichen Käse bestreuen.
Im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 180° C 30-40 Minuten backen wenn die Kartoffeln gekocht waren, 90 Minuten wenn roh.

French Farmhouse Garlic Chicken
4 small boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (ca. 12 oz. total)
¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. pepper
1 T. cooking oil
40 small cloves unpeeled garlic *
½ c. dry white wine or chicken broth
½ c. chicken broth
1 T. lemon juice
1 tsp. dried basil, crushed
½ tsp. dried oregano, crushed
4 tsp. all-purpose flour
2 T. dry white wine or chicken broth
Mashed potatoes or rice (optional)

Rinse chicken; pat dry with paper towels.  Season with salt and pepper.  In a 10-inch skillet heat oil over medium high heat.  Add chicken and garlic cloves.  Cook chicken for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or just until brown, turning once.  Slowly add the ½ cup wine or broth, the ½ cup broth, the lemon juice, basil, and oregano.  Cover and simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or until chicken is tender and no longer pink.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer chicken and garlic to a warm serving platter; keep warm.
In a small bowl stir together the flour and the 2 tablespoons wine or broth.  Stir into pan juices. Bring to boiling.  Cook and stir for 1 minute more.  Spoon over chicken.  If desired, serve with mashed potatoes or rice.  Makes 4 servings.
*Note: If you prefer, peel the garlic before cooking (use the flat side of a large knife to mash them slightly, then peel off the skins).  Or, as you eat the cooked cloves, simply slip the skins off with the tip of your dinner knife.

Kathy´s pierogie lasagna
9 lasagna noodles
4-5 medium potatoes
2 c. cheddar cheese

Cook lasagna noodles about 15 minutes and the potatoes until soft. Sautee 3/4 cup butter and 1 chopped onion. Mash potatoes with half of the butter/onion mixture, milk and the cheddar cheese.
Place 3 lasagna strips on bottom of a greased 11x7 casserole. Add half of mashed potato mixture. Top with another layer lasagna. Add another layer of potato mixture. Top with noodles. Pour remainder of butter/onion mixture over top. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake 20 minutes in 350°F oven.

Börek à la Petra
Für den Teig:
30 g Hefe
½ t. Zucker
3 El. Lauwarmes Wasser
50 g Schafskäse
175 g Joghurt (aus 3%iger Vollmilch)
375 g Mehl + mind. 200 g zum einarbeiten
2 Eier
1 El Öl
Für die Füllung:
200 g Hackfleisch
1 Zwiebel
1 Knoblauchzehe
100 g Spinat
300 g Gouda
100 g Schafskäse
Gewürze nach Lust und Laune
Zum Garnieren:
1 Eigelb
1 El Milch

Hefe mit Zucker und Wasser verrühren; 10 Min. gehen
Schafskäse fein bröseln und mit Joghurt glatt rühren
Auf das gesiebte Mehl die aufgelöste Hefe, die Joghurt-Schafskäse Mischung, die Eier und das Öl geben und kräftig zusammenkneten bis der Teig Blasen wirft; 1h gehen lassen
Zwischenzeitlich Hack, Zwiebeln und Knoblauch ausbraten; abkühlen lassen
Teig in 3 bis 5 Stücke teilen (je nach Hunger)
Einzeln ausrollen und füllen mit dem Hackfleisch, dem Spinat, den Gouda und dem Schafskäse; Halbemonde formen und aufs gefettete Backblech Luftlöcher (ca. 3) stechen
Mit Eigelb, Milch bestreichen; Sesamkörner bestreuen
Backen bei 200 °C 25 Minuten
Dazu paßt ganz gut: Bunter Salat und viele Peperoni

Lori´s party beans
5 cans of beans, drained (2 baked beans, butter beans, kidney beans, and lima beans)
Green or red pepper
1 lb. ground meat
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. ketchup
1 T. prepared mustard

Brown ground meat and chopped onion.  Add drained beans, chopped pepper, brown sugar, ketchup and mustard.  Bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes, then transfer to a casserole dish. Bake at 325°F for 2 hours. Also tastes great reheated!

Saskia´s Zwiebelkuchen
Teig Zutaten:
200 g Quark
4 EL Milch
1 Ei
6 EL Öl
1 TL Salz
400 g Mehl
1 Pkg. Backpulver

Beleg Zutaten:
1 kg Zwiebeln
250 ml Schlagsahne
200 g Schmand
2 Eier
200 g Schickenspeck
2 EL Stärkemehl
Kümmel, Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika

Teig Zutaten gut zusammen mischen, ausrollen, und auf gefetteten Backblech legen.
Schlagsahne, Schmand, Eier, Stärkemehl und Kräuter in einer Schüssel mischen. Die Zwiebeln in Ringe schneiden und in kochendes Wasser etwa 15 Minuten kochen, bis sie sehr weich sind. Abtropfen. Das Schinkenspeck würgeln und gut braten. Die Zwiebeln und Speck auf den Teig verteilen und die Soße darüber gießen. In einem Backofen 45 Minuten auf 190°C backen.
Schmeckt sehr gut mit Federweizen oder Weißwein!

Baked Ham
Put ham in pan and put cloves or whatever you want on top. Heat oven to 425° F. Heat for 25 minutes. Put about a cup of water in the pan. Cover tightly with foil. Turn oven to 275 or however low your oven goes. Leave in oven overnight (at least 6-8 hours, depending on size of ham). You can put glaze on if you wish for the last half hour. Take foil off and turn heat to 350° F. Use some of the juice from the ham to cook the raisins. Take off any fat if you notice.

Raisin sauce
1 c (125 g) raisins
6 cloves
1 c water
2/3 c (150 g) brown sugar
1 t cornstarch
½ t cinnamon
¼ t salt
dash of pepper
1 T vinegar
¼ t Worcestershire sauce
1 T butter

Wash raisins. Cook slowly with the cloves and water 10 minutes. Mix together sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Add to raisins and cook stirring constantly until slightly thickened. Add vinegar, sauce and butter stirring constantly until blended. Serve hot on baked ham.

Pineapple Chutney (Paceri Nanas)
Makes 4-6 servings, perfect for rice and hot spiced meat
1 medium red onion
Red and green jalapeno chilli
2 T. cooking oil
1 ½ cups canned pineapple chunks
1 T. minced ginger
1 cinnamon stick
½ tsp garlic
2 whole star anise
2 tsp turmeric powder
½ c pineapple juice
1 T. cider vinegar
3 T. sugar
1 tsp. salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Cut onion into 1/8 inch cubes. Slice chillies thinly, remove seeds.
Place a wok over high heat until hot. Add oil, swirling to coat sides. Add onion, chillies, ginger, cinnamon stick, star anise, and turmeric. Stir-fry until fragrant, 10-15 seconds. Add pineapple and mix well.
Add pineapple juice, vinegar and sugar. Reduce heat and simmer until most of the liquid has evaporated, 4-5 minutes. Add salt and sugar to taste. Let cool.
Cover and chill until ready to serve.

Frankfurter Grüne Soße (Frankfurt Green Sauce)
Für 6 Personen (For 6 servings)
Zutaten (Ingredients)
Insgesamt etwa 200-250g folgende Kräuter, ungefähr gleich viel von jedem (Altogether around 7-9 oz. of the following herbs, about the same amount of each):
Petersilie (Parsley), Kerbel (Chervil), Sauerampfer (Sorrel), Pimpinelle (??), Schnittlauch (Chive), Borretsch (??), Kresse (Cress)
2 gekochte Eier (2 boiled eggs)
1 Gewürzgurke (1 Pickle)
2 Eßlöffel Senf (2 T. Mustard)
Saft einer halben Zitrone (Lemon juice from half a lemon)
500g Joghurt, 1% Fett (18 oz. Yogurt, 1% fat)
150g Low-Fat Mayonnaise (5 oz. Low-fat Mayonnaise)
Salz und Pfeffer (Salt and Pepper)

Zubereitung (Preparation)
Alles sehr klein schneiden (am besten in einer Küchenmaschine geben) und gut zusammenmischen. Über gekochte Kartoffeln servieren.
(Chop up everything (it is best to use the blender and purée) and mix well. Serve over boiled potatoes.)

600 g Schweinemett
1 Ei
1 kleines Brötchen (aufweichen und ausdrücken)
1-1,5 Teel. Senf
Etwas Salz und Pfeffer
Ganz wenig Paprikapulver

Die Zutaten mit der Gabel gut verkneten, so dass auch das Brot kaum noch zu sehen ist. Dann Mehl auf einen Teller streuen. Nun mit der Gabel oder dem Löffel kleine Portionen formen und schnell in Mehl wenden, wenn alle Frikadellen fertig sind, Fett erhitzen und bei mittlerer Hitze braten, zwischendurch prüfen, dass die Frikadellen nicht anbrennen, dann wenden, ca. 8-10 Minuten pro Seite!
Ergibt ca. 18 kleine Frikadellen

Saltimbocca alla romana
8 dünne Scheiben zarte Kalbsschnitzel (500 g)
8 Scheiben roher Schinken, hauchdünn geschnitten (am besten Parmaschinken)
8 schöne Salbeiblätter
30 g Butter
1/8 l trockener Weißwein
Salz, Pfeffer aus der Mühle

Kalbsschnitzel vorsichtig mit der glatten Seite des Fleischklopfers flachklopfen. Auf jedes Schnitzel 1 Scheibe Schinken und 1 Salbeiblatt legen, mit Holzspießchen am Fleisch feststecken. In einer Pfanne 2 EL Butter zerlassen. Schnitzelchen hineingeben und pro Seite 2-3 Minuten braten. Fleisch nur zart salzen und pfeffern, herausnehmen und abgedeckt warmstellen. Bratensatz mit 1/8 l Weißwein ablöschen, kräftig aufkochen. Mit einem Schneebesen 1-2 EL Butter in die Sauce einrühren. Abschmecken, die Schnitzelchen nochmals kurz in die Pfanne legen und heiß werden lassen. Auf vorgewärmte Teller verteilen, mit der Sauce beträufelt servieren.

3 Zwiebeln
¼ l Milch
30 ml (1 ½ EL) Currypulver
10 ml (½ EL) Salz
etwas Pfeffer
30 ml (1 ½ EL)Essig
1 Scheibe Weißbrot
15 ml Aprikosenmarmelade oder brauner Zucker (1 EL)
2 Eier
6 Lorbeerblätter

Zwiebelwürfel in Butter glasig braten, Weißbrot in 125 ml Milch einweichen, ausdrücken und zu den Zwiebeln geben.
Essig, Marmelade, Curry, Salz und Pfeffer dazugeben und gut durchrühren.
Mett zerpflückt dazu und anbraten. Nochmals süß-sauer-scharf abschmecken.
Masse in eine Auflaufform streichen, 125 ml Milch mit Eiern verquirlen und darüber gießen. Lorbeerblätter in die Masse stecken und im Ofen bei 160°C ca. 30 Minuten backen.
Serviert wird mit Reis, kleingeschnittenen Bananen, Sambal Olek und Chutney.

Tuna casserole
2 cans (each 10.5 oz or ~300 g) of Cream of somethings (Matthew prefers one Cream of Mushroom and one Cream of Celery or two Cream of Mushrooms)
In Germany: 2 bags (for example, Maggi) of Cream of Something, then mix with two tuna cans of milk instead of water
1 lb pasta (shells)
1 can of milk (approx. 300 ml)
1 large onion
2 cans (each 6 oz or 170 g) tuna
8 slices of American cheese (or desired amount)
Salt and pepper to taste
Fried onions (optional)

Begin cooking pasta and drain when finished.
Chop onion and cook until translucent in small amount of oil. Add tuna, cream soups and milk and heat to greater than ~70°C. Rip cheese into small squares and melt in the soup. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add this sauce to pasta and place in casserole dish. Top with fried onions if desired. Cook covered at 175°C (350°F) for 45 minutes. Cover can be removed for last 15 minutes or more if desired.

Thin pizza
15 g frische Hefe
2 Prisen Zucker
30 g Mehl + 400 g + 50 g (½ Weizenmehl, ½ #630 Dinkelmehl)
60 g Wasser + 185 g Wasser
45 g Olivenöl
¾ Teelöffel Salz

1 Zwiebel
2 Knoblauchzehen
2 Dosen Tomatenwürfel
Salz und Pfeffer

2 200g Tüten Streukäse
Salami, Paprika, etc.

Hefe, Zucker, 30 g Mehl und 60 g lauwarmes Wasser mischen und abgedeckt im 40° C warmem Ofen für 30 Minuten erhitzen. Danach mit 400 g Mehl, 185 g Wasser, Olivenöl und Salz mit Handgerät mischen, mit Mehl auf der Arbeitsplatte für ein paar Minuten kneten, dann wieder im Ofen bei 40° C für 1 Stunde gehen lassen. Danach wenig kneten. Man könnte jetzt den Teig im Kühlschrank aufbewahren bis man die Pizza backen möchte. Teig in 4 gleiche Portionen verteilen (ca. 200 g), ausrollen, so dass 2 Pizzas auf einem Backblech passen. Die Sauce auf den Pizzas verteilen, mit Salami, etc. belegen, Streukäse darauf, dann bei Umluft 200° C auf Scheinen 1 und 3 15 Minuten backen. Herausnehmen, mit Parmesankäse und Olivenöl, ggf. auch mit frischen Basilikumblättern garnieren, dann erneut für ca. 5 Minuten backen.

Milena pizza
800 g flour + flour to knead
500 g milk
2 cakes of yeast
1 T salt
80 g sunflower seed oil
400 g grated cheese
Pepperoni salami or other toppings

Heat milk in microwave until lukewarm.
Place flour in large bowl and make an indentation in the middle. Put the yeast, salt, oil and a little milk in the middle, squish them together into a paste, then gradually incorporate the paste with the rest of the flour and milk.
Spread flour on countertop and knead dough until elastic but not hard.
Place a towel on top and let it rise at room temperature about 45 minutes.
Divide into two pieces, roll out and place on pre-oiled baking sheet, put on ketchup, cheese and topping and bake in oven about 20 minutes.

Taco casserole
400 g ground beef
150 g mayonnaise or Miracle Whip
1 can chopped tomatoes (340 g)
1 can (285 g) corn, drained
Juice from one lime or lemon
Salt and pepper
150 g shredded cheese
150 g tortilla chips, partially crushed

Brown ground beef. Add next 4 ingredients, mix, and season with salt and pepper. Remove half of mixture. Put on half of chips, half of cheese, rest of beef mixture, rest of chips and rest of cheese. Bake at 160 C for about 30 minutes with lid on, then remove lid and bake for another 10 minutes.
Serves 5.

Mixed lentil dhal
3 T olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 tsp chile powder
½ tsp ground turmeric (Kurkuma)
2 T garam masala (if desired)
125 g Puy or green lentils
125 g red lentils
450 ml water
425 ml can coconut milk
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and gently cook the onion and garlic until quite soft. Add the ginger, chile powder, and turmeric (and garam masala) and cook for 2 minutes. Add the lentils and the measured water and bring to a boil. Cover the pan and cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes, or until the red lentils have fallen to a puree and the green lentils are soft. Add can of coconut milk, heat, and season with salt and pepper to taste, then let cool down a little before serving.

Asch: Plov à la Burul
100 g sunflower seed oil
1 onion, chopped into rings, then halved
400 g chicken breast, cut into 3/4“ cubes
600 g carrots, cut into julienne strips
4 garlic cloves, cut into thin slices
2 T. tomato paste
1000 g water
1 red pepper, cut into eighths
1 T. salt
500 g arborio rice, washed and left wet for about 30 minutes
2 pinches of cumin seeds

In a large pot with the heated oil, add the onions and stir on medium-high until  browned. Add the chicken and cook until slightly brown. Add carrots and garlic cloves and cook for about 10 minutes until carrots start to get soft. Add tomato paste and stir. Add salt and stir. Add water and red pepper, bring to a boil, and boil on medium heat for about 15 minutes with the lid off so that the water can boil off a bit. Add the rice and cumin and stir, then boil on high for roughly 10 minutes with the lid off until most of the water has boiled off. Stir constantly so that the bottom does not burn. Then put on lid and cook on low for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Use only 1 T. tomato paste, skip the garlic and red pepper, and before putting the lid on to cook the rice for 15-20 minutes, add about 250 g of raisins.

Mondamin, braun

Rouladen abtupfen mit Küchenpapier, salzen, pfeffern und mit Senf bestreichen. Speck in kleine Stücke oder Streifen schneiden, auflegen. Man kann nach Belieben auch noch kleine Gurken kleinschneiden und dazu geben. Zwiebel klein hacken und auf die Roulade legen.
Zusammenrollen, anbraten von allen Seiten - ich nehme dazu Sanella Margarine. Vorsicht, dass die Rouladen nicht anbrennen, also nicht den Herd verlassen. Ca. 1/8 Liter Wasser oder auch mehr dazu geben und ca. 50 bis 70 Minuten garen. Deckel geschlossen halten. Für die Sauce nehme ich Mondamin (braun) evtl. nach Belieben kann man etwas flüssige Sahne oder Büchsenmilch zum Verfeinern.

500 g Mehl
4-5 Eier
1-2 Packungen Streukäse
Geröstete oder gebratene Zwiebel

Mehl, Eier und 1 Teelöffel Salz in eine Schüssel geben, mit Knethaken des Handrührgerätes verrühren. So viel Wasser dazugeben bis ein zähflüßiger, Blasen-werfender Teig entsteht.
Salzwasser in einem breiten Topf kochen, Spätzleaufsatz in kaltem Wasser abspülen, auf dem Topf legen, ca. 1/3 des Teiges darauf legen und mit dem Schaber so lange den Teig hin und her schieben bis alles im Topf ist. Aufsatz und Schaber schnell abwaschen. Spätzle mit einem Schaumlöffel herausheben, kurz in kaltes Wasser eintauchen, dann in einem großen Sieb legen. So fortfahren, bis der Teig verbraucht ist.
Die Spätzle nach Wunsch in einer großen Pfanne mit Butter erhitzen. Auf Tellern verteilen, Streukäse und gebratene / geröstete Zwiebel auf die Spätzle, warm servieren.
Für 4-5 Personen.

Chicken Stew à la Lori
Large onion, cut into large chunks
750 g potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks
300 g carrots, peeled and cut into large chunks
600 g chicken breast, cubed
2 Cream of… soups (in the US: chicken; in Germany: 1 Spargel, 1 Champignon, 1 Hühnerboullionwürfel)
Salt and pepper

Put everything in a pot (in Germany: make soups according to package in pot first, then add rest). Cook for about 1 ½ hours.
Makes about 6 servings. Can serve over rolls.

Chili-Cheese Mac
1 teaspoon canola oil
700 g ground round
2 t. garlic powder
2 t. ground coriander
2 t. ground cumin
1 T. chili powder
1 liter beef broth
500 g water
560 g mild diced tomatoes and green chiles, undrained
500 g uncooked elbow macaroni
250 g milk
225 g reduced fat cream cheese
225 g grated (sharp cheddar) cheese

1. Heat a pot over medium-high heat. Add oil. Add beef and next 4 ingredients; cook 3 minutes. Add broth, water, and tomatoes; bring to a boil. Stir in macaroni; cover and cook 10 minutes or until macaroni is done.
2. Heat milk and cream cheese in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook 4 minutes or until cheese melts, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Stir in cheddar. Add cheese sauce to macaroni mixture; toss well to coat.
Serves 8-10

Sloppy Joe's
12 g Canola oil
150 g finely chopped onion
130 g finely chopped green pepper (1 small)
100 g finely chopped celery (1-2 stalks)
2 cloves minced garlic
Salt and pepper
710 g ground beef
600 g tomato sauce
100 g ketchup
25 g Worcestershire sauce
12 small hamburger buns

Heat oil in a pot, then add vegetables, season with salt and pepper, and cook for about 7 minutes und vegetables are softened.
Add beef to skillet and cook until no long pink.
Add tomato sauce, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce and cook for at least 8 minutes longer.
Spoon onto buns (approx. 130 g per bun) and serve immediately.

Roasted Red Pepper Pasta
Makes 8 servings

750 g pasta
4 T butter
1/2 whole large onion, finely diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
400 g glass of roasted red peppers, drained and roughly chopped
250 g vegetable or chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon salt plus more to taste
Freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup Parmesan shavings (more for serving)
Finely minced parsley
Chopped fresh basil

Cook pasta in salted water according to package directions.
Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onions and garlic and saute for 2 to 3 minutes or until starting to soften. Add the chopped red peppers and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, until hot.
Remove the skillet from the heat. Carefully transfer the contents of the skillet to a food processor or blender. Place on the lid and puree the pepper mixture until totally blended (there will still be some texture to the peppers.)
Heat the other 2 tablespoons of butter back on the skillet over medium heat. Pour the pepper puree back into the skillet. Add the broth, salt, and pepper, and stir until heated. Splash in the cream and stir to combine. Taste and adjust seasonings.
Drain the pasta and add it to the skillet. Add Parmesan and parsley/basil, then stir it together to coat the pasta.
Serve in bowls with extra Parmesan and a sprinkling of parsley on top.

Makes 6-8 main dish servings
2.5 liters of milk (1.5%)
500 g Milchreis (Arborio in US), rinced in water
120 g butter
150 g sugar
Package of vanilla sugar (or ca. 1 tsp vanilla extract)
1 untreated lemon
Topping (sugar with cinnamon or warmed canned fruit, thickened if needed)

Heat milk with butter, sugar and vanilla until just starting to boil, then add rice and peel of the lemon (in large strips) and cook on low heat for about 35 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove lemon strips and serve with choice of topping (I like heated cherries).

Stuffed cabbage
Medium to large head of cabbage
1.2 kg ground beef
1 cup white rice
3 packages tomato soup (makes 2.25 l)
200 g onion
2 eggs
2/3 cup ketchup
Seasonings: salt, pepper, garlic powder

Core head of cabbage and place in large pot of boiling water for approx. 10 minutes. Start removing leaves with tongs as they get soft. Remove leaves from water and place in colander when they are glassy and easily bent. Keep trimming core to get other leaves off.
From each leaf, cut off thick parts of cabbage (middle vein).
Cook onion in a little oil in a skillet until soft, then remove from heat and let cool a bit. Add ground beef, rinced rice and egg and mix well. Season well with salt, pepper, garlic powder and ketchup.
Make 3 packages of tomato soup, remove to other bowl.
Place small amount of meat mixture in cupped area at thick end of cabbage. Start to roll: roll in one side (like a fajita), then when rolled push in other side with finger.
Cut up rest of cabbage into strips and place on bottom of pot so that rolls will not burn. Place stuffed cabbages on cabbage strips in pot then add tomato soup and enough water to cover.
Bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and simmer for 45 minutes.


3 EL Butter
3 EL brauner Zucker
½ EL Zimt
3 EL Rum, Orangenlikör oder –saft
2 mittelgroße reife, aber noch feste Bananen, in Würfel geschnitten

Bitten Sie jemanden anderen, das Vanilleeis in Dessertschüsseln zu füllen, denn die Bananensalsa ist im Nu zubereitet
Butter in einer mittelgroßen Pfanne bei niedriger Hitze zerlassen. Brauner Zucker und Zimt einrühren und auflösen.  Rum, Orangenlikör oder -saft zugießen und etwa 30 Sekunden weiterrühren. Bananenstücke in die Pfanne geben, etwa 1 Minute leicht köcheln lassen, bis sie etwas weich sind, und über die Eiscreme verteilen.
Für 4-6 Portionen Eiscreme

250 g Butter
250 g Zucker
1 Päckchen Vanillezucker
4 Eier
Abgeriebene Schale einer halben Zitrone
500 g Mehl
ca. 1/4 l Milch
1 Päckchen Backpulver
2-3 El Kakao
2 El Rum

Butter schaumig rühren, Zucker, Eier und Gewürze nach und nach hineinrühren, das mit Backpulver gemischte und gesiebte Mehl eßlöffelweise abwechselnd mit Milch hinzufügen und verrühren. Eine gefettete Napfkuchenform mit etwas 2/3 des Teiges füllen. Restlichen Teig mit Kakao und Rum (oder Milch) verrühren, auf den hellen Teig verteilen, mit einer Gabel so durch den Teig ziehen, dass sich heller und dunkler Teig an der Übergangsstelle zu Mustern vermischen. Bei 175 etwa 45 Minuten backen. Nach dem erkalten mit Puderzucker besieben.

Chocolate cake or cupcakes
2 cups flour (300 g) [Extra dough for Ralph: 400 g]
1 3/4 cups sugar (400 g) [533 g]
3/4 cup cocoa (80 g) [107 g]
1 1/4 cups milk (305 g) [406 g]
3/4 cups butter (175 g) [233 g]
3 eggs [4]
1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda (sodium bicarbonate / Natron) [1 2/3]
1 teaspoon salt [1 1/3]
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (1 Packung Vanillezucker) [1]
1/2 teaspoon baking powder [2/3]
Mocha Butter-Cream Frosting

Preheat oven to 350° F (175° C). Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans.
Into large bowl, measure all ingredients except frosting.
With mixer at low speed, beat until well mixed, constantly scraping bowl; at high speed, beat 5 minutes, scraping the bowl occasionally.
Pour into prepared pans, 65 g / cupcake. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean and dry.
If making cupcakes, fill paper-lined muffin pan cup about ¾ full, then bake at 175 C for about 18 minutes. Makes about 21 [30] cupcakes when no batter is eaten.
Cool layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes; remove from pans and cool completely on racks.
Fill and frost the chocolate cake layers with the mocha butter-cream frosting. If making cupcakes, only need ½ of mocha butter-cream frosting recipe.

Yellow cake or cupcakes (Ralph's favorite batter)
2 1/4 cups flour (325 g) [433]
1 1/3 cups sugar (325 g) [433]
3/4 cups butter (175 g) [233]
3/4 cups milk (155 g) [206]
3 eggs [4]
2 1/2 teaspoon baking powder [3.3]
1 teaspoon salt [1.3]
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (1 Packung Vanillezucker)
Vanilla Butter-Cream Frosting

Preheat oven to 375° F (190° C). Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans.
Into large bowl, measure all ingredients except frosting.
With mixer at low speed, beat until well mixed, constantly scraping bowl; at medium speed, beat 5 minutes, scraping the bowl occasionally.
Pour into prepared pans. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean and dry.
If making cupcakes, fill paper-lined muffin pan cup about ¾ full, then bake at 190 C for about 18 minutes. Makes about 24 cupcakes.
Cool layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes; remove from pans and cool completely on racks.
Fill and frost the yellow cake layers with the vanilla butter-cream frosting. If making cupcakes, only need 2/3 of vanilla butter-cream frosting recipe.

Mocha Butter-Cream Frosting
Ingredients / Zutaten
1 16-oz. package powdered sugar (450 g Puderzucker)
6 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened (85 g weiches Butter)
1/3 cup hot coffee (1/3 Tasse Heißer Kaffee / Espresso)
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (1 Packung Vanillezucker)
1/8 teaspoon salt (1/8 Teel. Salz)
1/2 cup cocoa (55 g Kakao)

Preparation / Zubereitung
In large bowl with spoon or with mixer at medium speed, beat all ingredients until very smooth, adding more coffee if necessary to make the icing of good spreading consistency. (In großen Schüssel alle Zutaten zusammen rühren (mittlere Geschwindigkeit) bis eine aufstreichbare Konsistenz erreicht ist.)

Vanilla Butter-Cream Frosting
Ingredients / Zutaten
1 16-oz. package powdered sugar (450 g Puderzucker)
6 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened (85 g weiches Butter)
3 or 4 Tablespoons milk or half-and-half (3-4 Eßlöffel Milch)
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (1 Packung Vanillezucker)
1/8 teaspoon salt (1/8 Teel. Salz)

Preparation / Zubereitung
In large bowl with spoon or with mixer at medium speed, beat all ingredients until very smooth, adding more milk if necessary to make the icing of good spreading consistency. (In großen Schüssel alle Zutaten zusammen rühren (mittlere Geschwindigkeit) bis eine aufstreichbare Konsistenz erreicht ist.)

Käsekuchen á la Thea
250 g Mehl
1 Messerspitze Backpulver
125 g Butter
65 g Zucker
1 Ei

750 g Magerquark
200 g Zucker
2 Eßl. Zitronensaft
3 Eier
75 g zerlassene Butter
65 g Mehl
½ Packung Käsekuchenhilfe

Mürbeteig kneten. Quarkmasse gut rühren. 50-55 Minuten bei 180-200°C backen. Im Ofen drin lassen bis Ofen abgekühlt ist.

Creamy Caramel-Pecan Rolls
Makes 20-24 cinnamon rolls
1 ¼ cups sifted powdered sugar
½ cup whipping cream (Schlagsahne)
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional)
1 recipe Sweet Dough, or 2 14- to 16-ounce loaves frozen sweet roll, thawed
3 T margarine or butter, melted
½ cup packed brown sugar (Normales Zucker funktioniert wahrscheinlich auch)
1 T ground cinnamon
¾ cup raisins (optional)

For topping, in a small mixing bowl stir together powdered sugar and shipping cream. Divide evenly between two 9x1½-inch round baking pans. Sprinkle pecans evenly over sugar mixture.
On a lightly floured surface, roll each loaf of dough into a 12x18-inch rectangle. Brush with melted margarine or butter.
In a small mixing bowl stir together brown sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle over dough. If desired, top with raisins. Roll up rectangles, jelly-roll style, starting from a long side. Pinch seam and ends to seal. Cut each roll into 10 to 12 slices. Place slices, seam sides down, on sugar mixture in pans. Cover with a towel. Let rise in a warm place until nearly double (about 30 minutes). (Or, cover with oiled waxed paper, then with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 2 to 24 hours. Before baking, let chilled rolls stand, covered, 20 minutes at room temperature.)
Bake rolls, uncovered, in a 375°F (190 C) oven until golden brown, allowing 20 to 25 minutes for unchilled rolls and 25 to 30 minutes for chilled rolls. If necessary, cover rolls with foil the last 10 minutes of baking to prevent overbrowning. Cool in pans on a wire rack for 5 minutes. Invert onto a serving platter. Serve warm.

Kolacky (Slovak nut rolls)
See “Sweet dough” (below)

Poppyseed Filling:
½ pound ground poppyseed
1 c sugar
½ c seedless raisins
½ tsp vanilla

Make sweet dough, let rise for ca. 1 hour, then punch down. Roll out on powdered sugared board about 1/4 inch thick to about size of oven tray bottoms. Spread chosen filling (or apricot marmalade) to within 1/2 inch of sides, then roll with the hands, not just the fingers! Rolls better and filling doesn't squish out as much. If using apricot marmelade, thicken before with about 6 tablespoons of cornstarch in a little water, then add to marmelade in a pot and heat until thickened. Place seam-side down on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.

Sweet Dough
1 cup (220 g) sugar [62]
1 tsp (6 g) salt [2 g]
3 packages active dry yeast (3 Packungen Hefe) [½ cake]
8 to 9 cups all-purpose flour (½ normal flour, ½ Dinkelmehl #630) [300-340 g]
2 cups (500 g) milk [140 g]: can also substitute half with eggball water
1 cup (230 g) butter or margarine [65 g]
2 eggs [½]

Heat half of milk and all of butter on low in microwave and let cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in other half of milk (or eggball water) at room temperature, let rise for 5-15 minutes. Combine sugar, salt and about a third of the flour in the food processor. Add yeast mixture and milk and butter to dry ingredients and blend for about 30 seconds. Add eggs and another third of flour and blend again for another 30 seconds. Add last third of flour and blend about 30 seconds. Knead manually for about 10 minutes. Turn over in greased large bowl to grease top. Let rise in warm place for about 2 hours with paska bread. Punch down dough. On lightly floured surface, divide into pieces as recipes direct. (Can also freeze to use later.) Cover; let rest 15 minutes. Makes 4 kolacky rolls. [Makes 1 big kolacky roll.]

3 Eigelb
3 Eiweiße
150 g Zucker
3 EL Wasser
150 g Mehl
1 TL Backpulver

3 Eigelb, 150g Zucker und 3 EL Wasser 5 min schaumig rühren.
Dann abwechseln einrühren: 150g mehl+1 tl Backpulver und 3 steif geschlagene Eiweiße.
Bei 200 C 10-15 min backen. Für 26 cm Form

Straßburger Apfelkuchen
For 1 10“ (26 cm) spring pan:
For the dough:
125 g soft butter
75 g sugar
Pinch of salt
250 g flour
1/8 liter dry white wine

To put on the bottom:
1 kg apples
Juice from 1 lemon
2 T. sugar

For the baking sauce:
2 eggs
50 g sugar
2 packets of vanilla sugar, or about a teaspoon of vanilla extract
Grated peel from half of a lemon
1/8 liter of heavy cream

For the pan: butter

Cream the butter, sugar and salt until the sugar is dissolved. Add a part of the flour, then a part of the wine, mix, repeat until wine is used up and knead the rest of the flour in.  Cover and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Halve, peel and core the apples.  Slice the rounded part most of the way through many times. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
Butter the pan and preheat the oven to 220° C ( F)
Sprinkle a smooth surface with flour and roll out the dough into a round shape. Place the dough in the pan and form a 3 cm high rim.  Place the apples with the cored side down in the pan (more than one layer) and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake in the middle of the oven for 30 or 35 minutes.
Beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla until slightly fluffed. Carefully add the lemon peel and cream, then pour mixture over the apples and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes, or until the mixture isn’t fluid anymore.
Remove the Apfelkuchen from the pan and cool.
If you don’t have a spring pan, I’d suggest either a regular cake pan (just leave it in there when serving) or a tart plate.  The only problem with the tart plate is that the edge needs to be relatively high in order to fit all the cream sauce in there.

Pumpkin Pie
1 c. (135 g) flour
½ t. salt
¼ c. + 2 T. (75 g) shortening
2-3 T. water
3 eggs, separated
16 oz. cooked and heavily strained pumpkin
1 c. evaporated milk
1 c. sugar
1 t. ground cinnamon
½ t. ground ginger
¼ t. ground nutmeg
¼ t. ground cloves
¼ t. salt

Brandy hard sauce:
¼ c. butter
¾ c. (about 95 g) powdered sugar
1 T. brandy
¼ t. vanilla extract

Piecrust: In a food processor, combine flour and salt. Add shortening and blend until crumbly. Slowly add water until pasty just hold together. Shape into a ball, then on a lightly floured surface roll into a circle 2 inches larger than the pie plate. Place into pie plate, prick with a fork, and pinch edge.
Filling: With mixer, beat egg whites just until soft peaks form. In a large bowl, beat together at low speed egg yolks, pumpkin and other filling ingredients until well blended. Gently fold beaten egg whites into pumpkin mixture. Pour filling into crust and bake at 375°F (190°C) for 45 minutes or until filling is set and knife inserted 1 inch from edge comes out clean. Refrigerate.
Sauce: In small bowl beat softened butter until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in other ingredients until creamy. Refrigerate.

Carrot Cake
4 eggs [1 ½ recipe for large stainless steel pan: 6]
3/4 cups vegetable oil (150g) [225 g]
½ c applesauce (135g) [202 g]
1 cup white sugar (200g) [300 g]
1 c brown sugar (220g) [330 g]
2 teaspoons vanilla extract [3 t.]
2 cups all-purpose flour (280g) [420 g]
2 teaspoons baking soda [3 t.]
2 teaspoons baking powder [3 t.]
1/2 teaspoon salt [¾ t.]
¼ t Nutmeg [¼ – ½ t.]
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon [3 t.]
3 cups grated carrots (300g) [450 g]

1/2 cup butter, softened (135g)
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
3 cups confectioners' sugar (338g)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 t grated lemon rind

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.
In a large bowl, beat together eggs, oil, applesauce, sugar and vanilla. Mix in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. Stir in carrots. Pour into prepared pan.
Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. If making 1 ½ recipe for large stainless steel rectangular pan, bake on Unter-/Oberhitze at 175° C for 90 minutes, make as much frosting as required for one recipe. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.
To Make Frosting: In a medium bowl, combine butter, cream cheese, confectioners' sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Frost the cooled cake.

Cranberry-Orange Mini-Muffins
290 g Mehl (½ Weizenmehl, ½ #630 Dinkelmehl sehr lecker)
150 g Zucker
1 Teelöffel Backpulver
1 Teelöffel Natron
½ Teelöffel Salz
1 Tasse Cranberries
1 Ei
220 g Orangensaft
¼ Tasse Öl (Albaöl sehr gut geeignet)
1 Teelöffel geraspelte Orangenschale, unbehandelt

Trockene Zutaten zusammenmischen. Cranberries hineingeben und mischen. Ei, Orangensaft, Öl und Orangenschale rühren, dann zu den trockenen Zutaten geben und so lange mischen bis alles feucht ist. Die Einkerbungen der Tupperware Mini-Muffin Form mit dem Teig bis fast oben füllen. Mit wenig Rohrzucker bestreuen. Auf 205° C Ober-/Unterhitze für 12 (flacher Form) bzw. 15 (kleiner Kugelhopf) Minuten backen bis gelb-braun.

Alien Lime Brain Gelatin Mold
1 cup whole milk
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/3 cup lime juice
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup sour cream
2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin (2 packets)
green and yellow food colors (Leave out the food color for a more traditionally appetizing hue)
fresh berries and/or whipped cream for serving

Prepare the mold by following instructions on the mold package to oil the mold and place in a bowl for stability.
Pour lime juice in a small bowl and sprinkle gelatin over. Let stand for about 10 minutes so gelatin can soften.
Mix milk and cream in a heavy, medium saucepan. Bring to a simmer over low heat. Stir in sugar and gelatin mixture and cook until both completely dissolve, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat, pour into a bowl, and whisk in the sour cream. Use a few drops of green and yellow food color, or a generous dollop of green and yellow paste color to achieve that Day-Glo look. Pour the mixture into the prepared mold(s) and chill for at least 6 hours or overnight.
To unmold, dip the bottom of mold in a bowl filled with hot water, taking care to not let any water get into the mold. Dipping the mold for a few seconds helps to loosen the gelatin from the mold. Remove from water and dry off the bottom of the mold. Place a serving platter over the bottom of the mold and flip both over. Carefully remove the mold from the Gelatin.
Serve with fresh berries and whipped cream.

Popcorn Balls
¾ c light corn syrup
¼ c butter
2 t cold water
2 5/8 c confectioners’ sugar
1 c marshmallows
5 quarts plain popped popcorn

In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the corn syrup, butter, cold water, confectioners’ sugar and marshmallows. Heat and stir until the mixture comes to a boil. Carefully combine the hot mixture with the popcorn, coating each kernel.
Grease hands with vegetable shortening or oil and quickly shape the coated popcorn into balls before it cools. Wrap with plastic wrap and store at room temperature.

Mousse au chocolat tricolor
Zutaten Vollmilch
125 g Vollmilchschokolade
1 Ei
2 EL Wasser
2 EL Rum
300 g geschlagene Sahne

Zubereitung Vollmilch
Die Schokolade im Wasserbad auflösen. Das Ei mit dem Wasser über heißem Wasserdampf schäumig schlagen und die aufgelöste Vollmilchschokolade dazugeben. Den Rum dazugeben, glattrühren und die geschlagene Sahne darunterheben.

Zutaten Weiß
125 g weiße Schokolade
2 Eigelb
2 EL Wasser
2 Blatt Gelatine, in kaltem Wasser eingeweicht
4 EL Orangenlikör
Abgeriebene Schale von ½ Orange (unbehandelt)
300 g geschlagene Sahne

Zubereitung Weiß
Die Schokolade im Wasserbad auflösen. Die Eigelbe mit dem Wasser über heißem Wasserdampf aufschlagen und die ausgedrückte Gelatine dazugeben. Orangenlikör, weiße Schokolade, abgeriebene Orangenschale und geschlagene Sahne darunterrühren.

Zutaten Bitter
125 g Bitterschokolade
1 Ei
2 EL Wasser
2 EL Mokkalikör oder etwas Mokkapulver
300 g geschlagene Sahne

Zubereitung Bitter
Für die dritte Mousse ebenso wie bei den beiden ersten Mousse verfahren.

Sie danach vorsichtig in Schichten in eine Auflaufform geben. Das Ganze nun für etwa 4-5 Stunden abgedeckt in den Kühlschrank stellen. Aus der Mousse mit einem immer wieder in heißes Wasser getauchten Löffel Nocken ausstechen und diese mit Früchten und Minze garnieren.
AWO Waffeln
250 g Margarine
150 g Zucker
6 Eier (oder Volleiäquivalent)
500 g Mehl
1 Pkg. Vanillezucker
1 Pkg. Backpulver
1 Pkg. Vanillepudding
500 g Milchreis

Margarine, Zucker und Eier schaumig rühren. Restliche Zutaten auf das Eiergemisch geben und alles gut miteinander verrühren.
Ergibt ca. 15-18 Waffeln.

Von Ursula Cobbers
4 Eier
50 g Zucker
1 P. Vanillezucker
1 P. Sahnesteif
1 Becher Schmand
1 Becher Sahne
5 Baisers (beim Bäcker)

Eigelb, Zucker und Vanillezucker schaumig schlagen, dann den Schmand und die übrigen steif geschlagenen Zutaten unterheben. Zum Schluss die zerkrümelten Baisers dazu geben. Alles in eine gebutterte Form füllen und mindestens 4 Stunden im Gefrierschrank lassen. Dazu schmecken Himbeeren oder andere Früchte.

Nach dem Inner Wheel Club Solingen
4 Eier
100 g Zucker
250 g Quark
2 P. Vanillezucker
1 P. Backpulver
4 El Milch
250 g Mehl
1 El Rum
100 g Rosinen

Eigelb mit Quark und Zucker verrühren; das mit Backpulver vermischte Mehl und die Milch hinzufügen, dann die gewaschenen, getrockneten und eingemehlten Rosinen und Rum unterrühren. Zum Schluß den Eischnee.
Zum Ausbacken: Biskin.
Zum Bestäuben: Puderzucker.
Ergibt 70 Bollebäuskes.

Triple Chocolate Pudding
3 T. unsweetened cocoa powder
3 T. cornstarch
2/3 cup brown sugar
3 cups 1% milk
¼ tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 oz German sweet chocolate
1 oz (ca. 2 T.) chocolate chips
3 T. whipped cream
2 tsp shaved chocolate (using vegetable peeler)

1. In a small bowl, combine the cocoa powder, cornstarch, 1/3 cup of the brown sugar, and ½ cup of milk.
2. In a medium saucepan, combine the remaining 2 ½ cups milk, the remaining 1/3 cup brown sugar, and the salt.  Bring to a boil over medium heat.  Whisk the cocoa mixture into the boiling milk mixture and cook, whisking, just until thickened, about 4 minutes.
3. Stir in the sweet chocolate and chocolate ships, remove from the heat, and stir just until the chocolate is melted.  Stir in the vanilla extract.  Spoon into 4 bowls and chill.  Top with a dollop of whipped cream, sprinkle the shaved chocolate over, and serve.

Russischer Zupfkuchen
300 g Mehl
180 g Zucker
200 g Butter
2 Eier
40 g Kakaopulver
1 Pkt. Backpulver

Für die Füllung:
150 g Zucker
3 Eier
500 g Quark (20-40 % Stufe)
200 g Schlagsahne
1 Pkt. Vanillezucker
1 Prise Salz
70 g Butter

Das Mehl und das Backpulver vermischen und in eine große Schüssel geben. Zucker und gesiebten Kakao dazugeben. Butter und Eier dazumischen und alles gut kneten. Etwa 1/4 des Teiges wegstellen, den anderen Teig in eine Springform füllen. Den Rand gut auskleiden.
Für die Füllung die Butter schaumig rühren, danach Quark, süße Sahne, Eier und die restlichen Zutaten hinzufügen und gut verrühren. Danach in die Springform füllen. Zum Schluss den weggestellten Teig in Stücke zupfen und auf der Füllung verteilen.
Den Kuchen bei 180 Grad etwa eine Stunde backen. Im Ofen kühlen lassen.
Cookies and Icings

Italian Nut Balls (without the nuts)
¾ c. sugar (150 g)
1 tsp. Salt
¾ c. softened butter (175 g)
2 egg yolks (reserve whites)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 c. flour (280 g)
1 c. icing

In large bowl, combine sugar, salt, butter, egg yolks and vanilla on medium speed of mixer about 1 minute. Blend well. Gradually add flour, blend at low speed until well mixed. Roll dough into 1-inch balls, ca. 20 g. Dip balls into slightly beaten egg whites.  Place on greased cookie sheets 2 inches apart.  Make a deep depression in center of each cookie with fingertip. Bake at 350 F for 10-12 minutes until firm to the touch and lightly browned (do not overbake). Immediately remove from cookie sheets and indent once more. When cooled, fills centers with icing and allow icing to set before storing cookies.
Makes 3 dozen cookies.

Mrs. Field’s Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ingredients /Zutaten
1 c. sugar (200 g Zucker)
1 c. brown sugar (220 g brauner Zucker – klebrig! Falls keiner vorhanden: normaler weißer Zucker)
1 c. butter (230 g Butter)
2 eggs (2 Eier)
1 tsp. Vanilla (1 Packung Vanillezucker)
2 c. flour (280 g Mehl)
2 ½ c. oatmeal (250 g Haferflocken)
½ tsp. Salt (1/2 Teel. Salz)
1 tsp. baking soda (1 Teel. Natron)
1 tsp. baking powder (1 Teel. Backpulver)
4 oz.  grated chocolate bar (insgesamt 450 g Schokolade: Schokotafeln Milch-, Weiß- und/oder Bitterschokolade)
12 oz. chocolate chips

Preparation / Zubereitung
Cream butter, sugar and brown sugar.  Add eggs and vanilla and beat until smooth.  In a blender, mix flour, oatmeal, salt, baking soda and baking powder until mix is a uniform powder.  (This should be done a little at a time.)  Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.  Shape cookies into balls, golf ball sized (25 g), and place on ungreased cookie sheet, 2 inches apart.  Bake at 375 F for 10-12 minutes. Makes 70 cookies. (Schokolade raspeln (Ich mache alles in der Küchenmaschine.), zur Seite stellen. Haferflocken mit Küchengerät fein zermahlen, mit Mehl, Salz, Backpulver und Natron mischen und zur Seite stellen. Butter, Zucker und Vanillezucker cremig rühren, Eier zufügen und cremig rühren. Diese Mischung mit der Mehlmischung gut vermischen, Schokolade zufügen und mit den Fingern gut vermischen. Kleine Bälle formen (ca 25 g – wie ein Golfball) und ca 10 Minuten bei 190 C auf Backblech mit Backpapier backen bis nur leicht gebräunt. Reicht für etwa 70 Kekse.)

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls
2 2/3 c. peanut butter (crunchy) = 700g (Also delicious with Lotus speculoos spread, or Biscoff spread, but then use less butter and powdered sugar)
4 c. crushed cereal (i.e. Rice Crispies, Corn Flakes, etc.) = 375g Corn Flakes
1 1/3 lb. powdered sugar = 600g
¾ c. butter, melted = 175g
2 pkgs. chocolate chips
¼ paraffin wax (or instead of chips and wax, 3 little plastic boxes of Kuchenglasur)

Mix peanut butter / biscoff spread, cereal, sugar and butter together.  Roll into 1 inch balls.  Melt together chocolate chips and paraffin wax in a double broiler.  Dip balls into chocolate mixture and let cool.

Peanut Blossoms
1 c. sugar
1 c. packed brown sugar
1 c. butter
2 eggs
¼ c. milk
1 c. creamy peanut butter
2 tsp. Vanilla
3 ½ c. flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. Salt
2 (10 oz.) pkgs. Kiss chocolates

Cream sugars, butter and peanut butter.  Beat in eggs, milk and vanilla.  Sift together flour, soda and salt; stir into egg mixture.  Shape into balls (ping-pong size) and roll in additional sugar.  Place on ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake in a 375 F oven for 10-12 minutes.  Immediately press on a chocolate Kiss.
Makes 80 cookies.

Roll-Out Cookies
1 c. (230 g) butter
1 c. (200 g) sugar
1 egg
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. Vanilla
2 ¾ c. (385 g) flour

Preheat oven to 400 F.  In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer.  Beat in eggs and vanilla.  Add baking powder and flour, one cup at a time, mixing after each addition.  The dough will be very stiff; blend last flour in by hand.  Do not chill dough.  (For chocolate cookies: Stir in 3 oz. melted, unsweetened chocolate.  If dough becomes too stiff, add water, a teaspoon at a time.)  Divide dough into 2 balls.  On a floured surface, roll each ball into a circle approximately 12 inches in diameter and 1/8 inch thick.  Dip cutters in flour before each use.  Bake cookies on top rack of oven for 6-7 minutes, or until cookies are lightly browned.  Extra-dough cookies will bake faster.
Makes 50 cookies.

Buttercream Icing
1 c. butter (230 g)
1 tsp. Vanilla, or 1 Packung Vanillezucker
4 c. powdered sugar (approx. 1 lb., or 450 g)
2 T. milk

Cream butter with electric mixer.  Add vanilla.  Gradually add sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed.  Scrape sides and bottom of bowl often.  When all sugar has been mixed in, icing will appear dry.  Add milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy.  Keep icing covered with a damp cloth until ready to use.  For best results, keep icing bowl in refrigerator when not in use. Refrigerated in an airtight container, this icing can be stored 2 weeks.  Rewhip before using.
Makes 3 cups of icing.

Rice Krispies Treats
16 oz. package marshmallows
½ c butter
6 c Rice Krispies

Melt the marshmallows and butter in a pot over low heat. Remove from heat and stir in Rice Krispies. Spread into a greased pan and allow to cool.

Gingerbread House
5-5 ½ c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. Salt
2 tsp. Ginger
2 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Nutmeg
1 tsp. Cloves
1 c. shortening
1 c. sugar
1 ¼ c. unsulphured molasses
2 eggs, beaten

Thoroughly mix flour, soda, salt and spices.  Melt shortening in a large saucepan.  Cool slightly.  Add sugar, molasses and eggs; mix well.  Add four cups dry ingredients and mix well.  Turn mixture onto slightly floured surface.  Knead in remaining dry ingredients by hand.  Add a little more flour, if necessary, to make a firm dough.   Roll on a lightly floured surface to ¼ inch thickness for cut-out cookies.  If you’re not going to use your gingerbread dough right away, wrap dough in plastic and refrigerate.  Refrigerated dough will keep for a week, but be sure to remove it 3 hours prior to rolling so it softens and is workable. Makes 40 average-sized cookies.

Royal Meringue Icing
3 level T. meringue powder
4 c. sifted powdered sugar (about 1 lb.)
6 T. water

Beat all ingredients at low speed for 7 to 10 minutes (10-12 minutes at high speed for portable mixer) until icing forms peaks.  When using large counter top mixer, or for stiffer icing, use 1 T. less water.  To completely cover cookies, add water after peaks have formed until it can be poured.
This smooth, hard-drying icing makes decorations that last.  The decorations should be air dried.  Allow several hours drying time for large decorations.  Make sure bowl and utensils are grease-free, since any trace of grease will cause royal icing to break down.  Royal icing dries quickly, so keep icing bowl covered with a damp cloth at all times.  Store in air tight container. Rebeat at low speed before using.
Makes 3 cups.

Fudgy Brownies
1 cup (230 g) butter or margarine
4 squares (4 oz. or 110 g) unsweetened chocolate
2 cups (430 g) sugar
4 eggs
1 cup (120 g) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1 package vanilla sugar
½ teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 175° C. Grease baking pan. In 3-quart saucepan over very low heat, melt butter or margarine and chocolate, stirring the mixture constantly. Remove pan from heat and with a spoon, stir the sugar into the chocolate. Allow the mixture to cool slightly. Add eggs, one at a time, beating until well blended after the addition of each egg. Add the flour, vanilla and salt to the mixture and stir in well. Pour chocolate mixture into greased baking pan, scraping the side of saucepan with a rubber spatula; bake in oven 30 to 35 minutes (20-25 in mini muffin form). Brownies are done when toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack.

Weihnachten Ausstechkekse von Thea
250 g Butter
200 g Zucker
1 Packung Vanillezucker
2 Eier
Jeweils eine ½ Flasche Citronat, Butter Vanille und Rum
500 g Mehl
2 Teelöffel Backpulver

Butter und Zucker kremig rühren, Eier und Geschmacksverstärker zufügen und mischen, Mehl und Backpulver nach und nach mitmischen. 30-40 Minuten ruhen lassen. Ausrollen, ausstechen mit Eigelb bestreichen und ggf mit Streusel dekorieren. 8-12 Minuten bei 175-200°C backen.

Spritzgebäck nach Thea
200 g Butter
220 g Zucker
2 Eier
Abgeriebene Schale einer ½ Zitrone
450 g Mehl
1 Becher Schokolade

Butter schäumig rühren. Nach und nach andere Zutaten dazugeben und gut verkneten. Teig einige Stunden kühl stellen. Bei 175°C leicht braun (16 Minuten ca. mittig im Oven) backen. Wenn abgekühlt zum Teil in Schokolade trunken.
Mindestens 2 Rezepte für Verwendung in Fleischwolf machen.

Double Chocolate Chunk Biscotti
32 biscotti
75 g butter
135 g sugar
30 g unsweetened cocoa powder
2 t baking powder
2 eggs
255 g all-purpose flour
120 g white chocolate bar, coarsely chopped
85 g semisweet chocolate bar, coarsely chopped

In a large bowl beat butter with an electric mixer on medium speed for 30 seconds. Add the sugar, cocoa and baking powder. Beat until combined. Beat in the eggs. Beat in as much of the flour as you can. Using a spoon, stir in the remaining flour and the chocolate. Divide dough in half. Shape each half into a 9-inch-log. Place logs about 4 inches apart on prepared cookie sheet. Flatten logs slightly until about 2 inches wide. Bake logs in a 375° oven for 20-25 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near the centers comes out clean. Cool on the cookie set on a wire rack for 1 hour. Using a serrated knife, cut each log diagonally into 1/2-inch thick slices. Lay slices, cut sides down, on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake slices in a 325° oven for 8 minutes. Turn slices over. Bake for 7 to 9 minutes more or until slices are dry and crisp. Do not overbake. Transfer to wire racks and let cool. Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 week, or freeze for up to 3 months.

Italian Easter bread
½ c. warm water
2 Pkg. dry yeast
½ c. milk
2 eggs, slightly beaten
¾ c. sugar (165 g)
1 t. salt
½ c. shortening (115 g)
½ c. coconut (45 g)
4 ½ - 5 c. flour (725 g + 100 g to knead)

Scald the milk, cool to lukewarm, then add the water and yeast and let sit in a large bowl for 5 minutes. Add the ingredients in that order, mixing after each addition. Knead until elastic. Let rise until doubled and punch down twice. Divide into four pieces, braiding 2 of each. Let rise again on a flat cookie pan. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 20-30 minutes, or until slightly brown on the bottom. Make a glaze out of powdered sugar and milk, brush onto loaves. Decorate with colored sprinkles.

Paska Bread
1800 g flour: Use 1500 g first, then knead in the rest
2 T. salt
1 c. warm water (as much as possible from eggball) (250 g)
1 T. sugar
¼ lb. (120 g) Butter
½ c. sugar (110 g)
2 c. milk, boiling point (470 g)
1 cake yeast
3 eggs

Crumble yeast in ½ c. water and 1 T. sugar.  Set aside for 5 minutes.  Pour boiling milk over sugar and butter, add balance of water.  Cool to lukewarm.  Sift flour into bowl, add salt, eggs, milk mixture and yeast.  Knead dough until smooth and elastic.  Cover.  Let rise until doubled in bulk, about 2 hours, in a warm place.  When dough has doubled, turn out onto lightly floured board and shape into four round loafs.  Let rise for about 30 minutes.  Cover dough to prevent drying.  Bake using the water drop oven setting for 10 minutes at 160° C, increase temperature to 180° C and bake for 18 minutes.
Makes 4 paskas.

1 ¼ c (175 g) flour
2 T sugar (30 g)
2 t baking powder (8 g)
¾ t salt
1 egg
1 1/3 c (330g) milk
salad oil

In large bowl, mix first 4 ingredients. In small bowl, beat egg slightly; stir in milk and 3 T (40 g) oil; add to flour mixture and stir just until flour is moistened.
Heat skillet or griddle over medium-high heat until drop of water sizzles. Brush lightly with oil.
Pour batter by scant ¼ cupfuls onto hot skillet or griddle, making a few pancakes at a time.
Cook until bubbly and bubbles burst; edges will look dry. With pancake turner, turn and cook until underside is golden.
Place on heated platter; keep warm. Repeat, brushing skillet with more oil, if needed. Serve with butter and syrup.

Honey Cornbread Muffins
1 c. (115 g) yellow cornmeal
1 c. (115 g) flour
1 T baking powder
½ c. (110 g) sugar
1 t. salt
1 c. (245 g) whole milk
2 large eggs
½ stick (65 g) butter, melted
¼ c. (90 g) honey
150 g blueberries, if desired

Into a large bowl, mix the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. In another bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs, butter and honey.
Add the wet to the dry ingredients and stir until just mixed. If using blueberries, add first to dry ingredients, then add wet ingredients.
Place muffin paper liners in a 12-cup muffin tin. Evenly divide the cornbread mixture into the papers. Bake for 15 minutes at 400° F until golden. (180° C Hydrobacken für 23 Minuten.)
Makes 12 muffins.

Parmesan corn muffins
1 ¼ c. (300 g) buttermilk
¼ c. (50 g) olive oil
1 large egg, lightly beaten
4.5 oz. (about 1 c., or 125 g) flour
¾ c. (85 g) yellow cornmeal
1 T. sugar
2 t. baking powder
¼ t. baking soda
¼ t. salt
1/8 t. ground pepper
3 oz. (about ¾ c., or 85 g) grated fresh parmesan cheese
3 T. finely chopped fresh chives

Combine the first 3 ingredients.
Weigh or lightly spoon flour into a dry measuring cup; level with a knife. Combine flour and next 6 ingredients (through pepper) in a bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Make a well in center of flour mixture. Add milk mixture; stir just until moist.
Stir in 2 ounces cheese (about 1/2 cup) and 2 tablespoons chives. Spoon into 12 muffin cups. Sprinkle muffins evenly with remaining 1 ounce cheese and remaining 1 tablespoon chives.
Bake at 400° for 13 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out with moist crumbs clinging. (180° C Hydrobacken für 21 Minuten.) Remove muffins from tins; cool on a wire rack.
Makes 12 muffins.

190 g PAN Maismehl
300 ml Wasser
½ T Salz

Maismehl zu Salzwasser geben. Kneten bis der Teig “Pfft”-Geräusche macht. Hände säubern. Hände mit Wasser befeuchten, 1/5 des Teiges zu einem Ball formen und zwischen Handtellern hin und her bewegen bis Ball größer und flach wird. In Pfanne mit wenig Öl (auf Stufe 4) für ca. 10-15 Minuten braten bis von beiden Seiten ein hohles Geräusch erklinkt wenn man darauf tappt.
Für 5-6 Arepas.

Zucchini slice
10 eggs
750 g zucchini
150 g onion
75 g bacon bits light
270 g flour
2 ½ t. baking powder
220 g grated cheddar cheese
215 g oil
3 t. salt
1 t. pepper

1. Preheat oven to 180°C (160°C fan-forced). In a bowl, whisk eggs. Grate zucchini coarsely. Finely chop onion.
2. Combine zucchini, onion, bacon bits, cheese, sifted flour, oil and lightly beaten eggs.
3. Season with salt and pepper and pour into well greased lamington tin.
4. Bake in moderate oven for 90 minutes or until browned. (Can try in a cake pan or quiche dish for quicker cooking.)
Serves 8.

Kristin’s Candy Mix
2 parts Cointreau
1 part Cranberry Sirup
4 parts pineapple juice
7 parts ginger ale

Mix the first three with ice, pour over ice cubes in a glass and add ginger ale.

Basic Jello Shooter
6 oz. vodka
6 oz. water
3 oz. Jello gelatin, any flavor

Think jiggly or slushy or syrupy. Imagine the slide of a semi-solid down your throat. Combine vodka and water in a saucepan and bring to boil. Stir in Jello. Let set in refrigerator. Experiment to choose the length of time you want it to set. Longer = firmer.

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