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Soups and Salads

Grandma Danko’s homemade soup

soup bone
2 carrots
½ bag tomatoes
bay leaf
1 leaf of cabbage (or core)
chicken boullion cubes (if weak)

Rinse chicken. Heat chicken and water and soup bone to a boil. Skim off foam. Add rest of ingredients and a few boullion cubes if too weak. Boil down for a few hours.



5-6 eggs, beaten
100-200 ml water
500 g flour
1 tsp. salt

Beat well, may add more flour or water to bring to cake mix consistency. Drop by teaspoonfuls into boiling salted water. Done when they float to the top.


Grandma Campbell’s Chicken Halushka

500 g chicken
Garlic powder
Salt and pepper
2 T. flour
200 ml milk
600 g sour cream

Brown the chicken and add garlic, salt and pepper. Add flour and milk and sour cream. Serve over dumplings.


Gribby Soup

1 lb. Fresh mushrooms
1 T. butter
1 tsp. Flour
Sauerkraut juice, to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. finely chopped onion

Wash mushrooms and cook in 1 qt. of water until tender. Strain. (Save water.) Run mushrooms through food chopper. Add sauerkraut juice to mushroom water. Salt and pepper and bring to a boil.
Brown flour in butter until light brown, add onion and brown. Add ¼ c. water and bring to a boil and stir. Strain. Add to contents along with mushrooms and simmer for a couple of minutes.
Serve with small egg noodles, preferably from scraps of dough cut into squares from the leftover pirohy dough.


Zucchini Soup

1 Middle-large Zucchini
Parmesan Cheese

Grate the zucchini and cook in a large pot until it is very soft. Purée. Add some milk to make a soupy texture, then add several tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg as desired.


Crème de potiron au romarin

60 g Butter (30 g gesalzene Butter und 30 g ung. Butter)
2 gr. Échalotes (feingehackt)
900 g Kürbisfleisch (gewürfelt)
1 frischer Rosmarinzweig
1 Stück Zimtstange (ca. 5 cm lang)
1 L. Hühnerbrühe
150 ml Crème fraîche
Salz, frisch gem. Pfeffer

1 kl. Tomate
2 gepresste Knoblauchzehen
100 g weiche Butter
2 Spritzer Zitronensaft
Salz, Pfeffer
Ein in dünne Scheiben geschnittenes Baguette

Butter in einem Topf zerlassen, die feinhackten échalotes unterrühren und bei mittlerer Hitze 5-8 Minuten glasig dünsten
Kürbiswürfel dazugeben und rühren, bis sie gänzlich von einem Fettfilm überzogen sind
Rosmarinzweig und Zimtstange dazugeben, und das Ganze zugedeckt 15 Min. bei mittlerer Hitze garen
Hühnerbrühe angießen und zugedeckt 20-30 Min. köchen, bis das Kürbisfleisch weich ist
In der Zwischenzeit werden die Croûtes wie folgt vorbereitet:
Tomate waschen, enthäuten, entkernen, sorgfältig trockentupfen und pürieren
Butter in einer Schüssel mit der Gabel zerdrücken
Tomatenbrei, gepresste Knoblauchzehen zu der Butter geben; vermischen
Mit Zitronensaft abschmecken, leicht salzen und pfeffern
Die Brotscheiben mit dieser Butter bestreichen
Rosmarinzweig und Zimtstange aus der Kürbismischung entfernen und den Topfinhalt fein pürieren
Die Suppe wieder in den Topf geben; Sahne hinzufügen
25 Min. vor dem Servieren:
Den Ofen auf 150° C vorheizen
Die Suppe bei sehr schwacher Hitze erwärmen und mit Salz (wenig) und Pfeffer abschmecken
Die Brotscheiben in den Ofen schieben und ca. 10 Min. hacken
Die Suppe kurz vor dem Servieren mit einem Sahnehäubchen garnieren



1 ½ kg Schinkenbraten
Frisch gemahlener Pfeffer
Gekörnte Fleischbrühe
6 mittelgroße Zwiebeln
2 Gläser Champignons in Scheiben (je 530 g Abtropfgewicht)
2 Gläser Tomatenpaprika (je 165 g Abtropfgewicht)
500 g TK-Erbsen
1 große Dose Ananasstücke (490 g Abtropfgewicht)
2 Gläser Chilisauce (Fonduesauce, je etwa 320 g)
1 l Schlagsahne
225 g scharfer Curryketchup
etwa 750 ml Wasser

1. Schinkenbraten kalt abspülen, trockentupfen und in Würfel schneiden: Das Fleisch in einen ofenfesten, großen Topf geben. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Fleischbrühe würzen.
2. Zwiebeln abziehen, in Würfel schneiden und zum Fleisch geben. Champignons mit der Flüssigkeit, den abgetropften Tomatenpaprikastreifen und tiefgefrorene Erbsen hinzufügen.
3. Ananasstücke abtropfen lassen, die Stücke evtl. kleiner schneiden, zusammen mit der Chilisauce, Sahne und Curryketchup auffüllen. Zum Schluss Wasser hinzufügen, so dass die Suppe bedeckt ist, etwas umrühren. Den Topf zugedeckt auf dem Rost in den ofen schieben.
4. Backzeit etwa 1 ½ Std. Vorgeheizt Ober-/Unterhitze: ca. 200°C, Nicht vorgeheizt Heißluft: ca. 180°C
5. Zwischendurch die Ofensuppe umrühren, evtl. etwas Wasser hinzufügen.
Für 12 Personen


Asian Hot Pot (Mongolian Hot Pot)

5 cups Beef Broth
2 Green Onions (chopped)
2 Garlic Cloves (minced)
About 5 Shiitake Mushrooms (chopped)
2 tbs Cilantro (chopped)
2 tbs Ginger Root (minced)
2 tbs Soy Sauce

Vegetable Platter:
8 Bok Choy leaves (cut into strips)
2 oz Spinach leaves (cut into strips)
1 8oz Can Bamboo Shoots (drained)
2 Green Onions (chopped)
1 cup Broccoli Florets
4 oz Egg Noodles (cooked)
1 lb Beef Tenderloin (sliced into thin strips)

Arrange vegetable platter before guests arrive. Bring beef broth to a boil. Add green onions, garlic, mushrooms, cilantro, ginger and soy sauce. Simmer for 15 minutes. Spear beef strips with fondue forks and cook in broth for 3-5 minutes. Spear vegetable strips and cook until tender. Dip cooked beef and vegetables into desired sauces.
When all the meat has been eaten add cooked egg noodles to broth. Add remaining vegetables to broth. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve portion to each guest in a bowl.


Red lentil soup with cumin

Serves 4
2 T olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp cumin seeds (or powder)
125 g red lentils
600 ml vegetable stock
500 g tomato puree
salt and freshly ground pepper
1-2 T chopped cilantro, to garnish

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and gently cook the onion and garlic until soft. Add the cumin seeds (or powder) and toast for a few minutes until just colored.
Add the red lentils to the pan and stir well so they become coated with the onion mixture.
Next, pour in the stock, bring to a boil, and simmer for 15 minutes so that the lentils have a chance to soften, then add the tomato puree, and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes more.
Let cool, then using a blender or food processor, puree the soup until very smooth. Season to taste then heat gently before serving, garnished with chopped cilantro.


Corn and sweet potato soup

1 T olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tsp crushed red pepper
750 ml vegetable stock
2 tsp ground cumin
1 medium sweet potato, diced
½ red bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped
450 g corn kernels (from can is okay)
salt and ground black pepper
lime wedges to serve

Heat the oil and fry the onion for 5 minutes until softened. Add the garlic and chile and fry for a further 2 minutes. In the same can, add 125 ml of the vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the cumin, the diced sweet potato, stir and simmer again for 10 minutes. Season and stir again. Add the pepper, corn and remaining stock and simmer for 10 minutes. Process half of the soup until smooth and then stir into the chunky soup. Season and serve with lime wedges for squeezing over.


Five Cup Salad

1 cup sour cream
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup Coconut flakes
1 cup Pineapple chunks
1 cup Mandarine oranges


Drain pineapple and oranges, mix and let sit overnight. Before serving, mix all ingredients together. Garnish with walnuts or cherries if desired.


Cranberry plus salad

Serves 6-8
1 bag (12 oz.) of fresh cranberries
2 oranges
2 apples
1 lemon
1 – 1 ½ c. sugar

In a food processor, blend the cranberries until finely chopped, but not mushy. Place in a bowl. Cut the skin off of the oranges and lemon and blend these in the food processor as well. Add to cranberries. Skin apples and if desired (apple allergy) cook slightly. Chop finely and also add to cranberries. Then add sugar until sweet. Best if made a day or two in advance. Can also be frozen.


Tomato pasta salad

500 g pasta spirals
100 g dried tomatoes, diced
600 g fresh tomatoes, diced
375 g fresh mozzarella, diced
2 garlic cloves, chopped finely (garlic press)
2 packages of dried herbs (pre-packaged)
50 g frozen basil (2 packages)
50-100 ml olive oil

Cook the pasta, drain and rinse with cold water. Combine the tomatoes, mozzarella, garlic, herbs, basil and olive oil. Mix. Add the pasta, mix, and store in the refrigerator.